Telephoning English 5 - Pedindo a conta do restaurante

Esta é uma conversação pequena focada no inglês ao telefone.
O melhor para praticar é em dupla. Vocês estudam o dialogo e depois treinam a conversação.

Asking a Question about a Bill
Complete Conversation
Caller 1: Good afternoon, Northwest Electricity, how may I help you?
Caller 2: Good afternoon, this is Robert Tips, I have a question about my electricity bill this month.
Caller 1: I'd be happy to help you with that Mr. Tips. Can I have your account number?
Caller 2: I'm afraid I don't have that with me.
Caller 1: It's no problem, I'll just look your name up in our database.
Caller 2: Great.
Caller 1: Could you give me your address as well?
Caller 2: It's 2368 NW 21st Ave. Vancouver, Washington.
Caller 1: Yes, I have your account up on my computer. How may I help you?
Caller 2: The last bill I received seemed too high.
Caller 1: Yes, I see that it was considerably higher than last year. Did you use more electricity?
Caller 2: No, I don't think we used any more electricity that the year before.
Caller 1: OK, I'll tell you what I can do. I'll mark this and have a supervisor take a look at the account.
Caller 2: Thank you. When can I expect an answer?
Caller 1: We should have an answer for you by the end of the week. I'll give you an inquiry number.
Caller 2: OK, let me get a pen .... OK, I'm ready.
Caller 1: It's 3471.
Caller 2: That's 3471.
Caller 1: Yes, that's correct.
Caller 2: Thank you for your help.
Role Play: Caller 1
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Good afternoon, this is Robert Tips, I have a question about my electricity bill this month.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: I'm afraid I don't have that with me.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Great.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: It's 2368 NW 21st Ave. Vancouver, Washington.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: The last bill I received seemed too high.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: No, I don't think we used any more electricity that the year before.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Thank you. When can I expect an answer?
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: OK, let me get a pen .... OK, I'm ready.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: That's 3471.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Thank you for your help.
Role Play: Caller 2
Caller 1: Good afternoon, Northwest Electricity, how may I help you?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: I'd be happy to help you with that Mr. Tips. Can I have your account number?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: It's no problem, I'll just look your name up in our database.
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Could you give me your address as well?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Yes, I have your account up on my computer. How may I help you?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Yes, I see that it was considerably higher than last year. Did you use more electricity?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: OK, I'll tell you what I can do. I'll mark this and have a supervisor take a look at the account.
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: We should have an answer for you by the end of the week. I'll give you an inquiry number.
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: It's 3471.
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Yes, that's correct.
Caller 2: _____

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