Telephoning English 3 - Marcando uma consulta no médico

Esta é uma conversação pequena focada no inglês ao telefone.
O melhor para praticar é em dupla. Vocês estudam o dialogo e depois treinam a conversação.

Complete Conversation
Caller 1: Dr. Peterson's office. How may I help you?
Caller 2: I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor.
Caller 1: Certainly, are you ill at the moment?
Caller 2: Yes, I'm not feeling very well.
Caller 1: Do you have a fever, or any other symptoms?
Caller 2: Yes, I have a slight fever and aches and pains.
Caller 1: OK, Dr. Peterson can see you tomorrow. Can you come in the morning?
Caller 2: Yes, tomorrow morning is fine.
Caller 1: How about 10 o'clock?
Caller 2: Yes, 10 o'clock is fine.
Caller 1: May have your name?
Caller 2: Yes, it's David Lain.
Caller 1: Have you seen Dr. Peterson before?
Caller 2: Yes, I had a physical exam last year.
Caller 1: Yes, here you are. OK, I've scheduled for ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
Caller 2: Thank you.
Caller 1: Drink plenty of warm fluids and get a good night's sleep!
Caller 2: Thank you. I'll do my best. Goodbye.
Caller 1: Goodbye.
Role Play: Caller 1
Caller 1: Dr. Peterson's office. How may I help you?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Certainly, are you ill at the moment?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Do you have a fever, or any other symptoms?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: OK, Dr. Peterson can see you tomorrow. Can you come in the morning?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: How about 10 o'clock?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: May have your name?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Have you seen Dr. Peterson before?
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Yes, here you are. OK, I've scheduled for ten o'clock tomorrow morning.
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Drink plenty of warm fluids and get a good night's sleep!
Caller 2: _____
Caller 1: Goodbye.
Role Play: Caller 2
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Yes, I'm not feeling very well.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Yes, I have a slight fever and aches and pains.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Yes, tomorrow morning is fine.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Yes, 10 o'clock is fine.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Yes, it's David Lain.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Yes, I had a physical exam last year.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Thank you.
Caller 1: _____
Caller 2: Thank you. I'll do my best. Goodbye.
Caller 1: _____

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