
Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2015

English Grammar Adjective or Adverb?

ADJECTIVE OR ADVERB THE DIFFERENCE An adjective tells us more about a noun. Example: an expensive car, a clever girl An adverb tells us more about a verb. Example: He talked nervously. HOW TO FORM THE ADVERB Adjective  + ly sad sad ly quiet quiet ly nervous nervous ly soft soft ly Adjectives ending in  -y »»» ily happy happ ily angry angr ily Adjectives ending in  -le »»» ly terrible terrib ly capable capab ly Adjectives  ending in -ly friendly in a friendly way / manner daily daily lively in a lively way / manner early early lonely in a lonely way / manner monthly monthly lovely in a lovely way / manner weekly weekly silly in a silly way / manner yearly yearly Irregular forms good well low low fast fast straight straight hard hard extra extra long long doubtless doubtless Double forms hard hard hardly  = kaum near near nearly  = beinahe late late lately  = in letzter Zeit HOW TO USE THE ADVERB Verb + adverb The

English Grammar - Can - Present - Past - future

Can "Can" is one of the most commonly used modal verbs in English. It can be used to express ability or opportunity, to request or offer permission, and to show possibility or impossibility. Examples: I  can  ride a horse.  ability We  can  stay with my brother when we are in Paris.  opportunity She  cannot  stay out after 10 PM.  permission Can  you hand me the stapler?  request Any child  can  grow up to be president.  possibility Using "Can" in Present, Past, and Future Most modal verbs behave quite irregularly in the past and the future. Study the chart below to learn how "can" behaves in different contexts. Modal Use Positive Forms 1. = Present   2. = Past   3. = Future Negative Forms 1. = Present   2. = Past   3. = Future You can also use: can general ability 1. I can speak Chinese.2. SHIFT TO "COULD" I could speak Chinese when I was a kid. 3. SHIFT TO "BE ABLE TO" I will be able to speak Chinese by the

Basic English Lessons: Can - Can´t

We use 'can' to talk about 'possibility' or 'ability'. Can you do that? I can't manage to do that. You can leave your car in that parking space. You cannot smoke in here. I can ski. Notice that there are two negative forms: 'can't' and 'cannot'. These mean exactly the same thing. When we are speaking, we usually say 'can't'. We use 'can' to talk about 'ability'. I can speak French. I can't drive. We use 'can' to ask for and give permission.  Can I speak to you or are you too busy? You can use my phone. You can't come in. We use 'can' in offers, requests and instructions. Can I help? Can you give me a hand? When you finish that, you can take out the garbage. We use 'can' with 'see' 'hear' 'feel' 'smell' 'taste' to talk about something which is happening now . (Where you would use the presen

Terceira pessoa do Simple Present

Today I’d like to talk about a basic element of English grammar. Unlike what happens in some other languages, in English, the verb needs to change depending on the subject of the sentence. English teachers refer to this as Subject and verb agreement. For today’s English lesson, let’s check this out. Here are the example sentences. I go, he goes. I work, she works. I play, The orchestra plays. I like pizza. You like you. He likes pizza. She likes pizza. If you know anyone who has trouble with this English language point, why not help them out! Just share this lesson with them. Thanks for studying today! Links to practise:

Money Words

Money, bucks and dough E ai, como se fala dinheiro em inglês? Existem também outras maneiras para se referir ao dinheiro em inglês Bucks - pode substituir "dollar" Não se esqueça que os americanos usam virgula para separar milhares e o ponto para os centavos.  Obs: Bucks só é usado quando for para dolar sem centavos.  Exemplo:  How much is the sandwich? It´s 5 bucks.   5 doláres.  Grant Significa mil doláres.  That house cost 215 grants.  Aquela casa custa 215 mil doláres.  I have 20 grants in my bank account.  Eu tenho 20 mil dolares na minha conta bancária.  Dough Give me the dough. Me dê o dinheiro. How much dough do you get per week? Quanto você ganha por semana ?

Introducing Yourself in English

One sentence Introductions. Salutation + Name “Hello, my name is John.” “Hi, how are you? I’m John.” “My name’s John. What’s yours?” Salutation + Name + Personal fact “Hi, i’m Regina and I am from Los Angeles, California.” “Hey, my name’s June, I enjoy playing basketball.” “Good Morning, my name is Lola, and I will be serving you today.” Multi-sentence Introductions. Running into someone familiar “Hi, did you go to Kansas State? Wow, I went there too. I thought you looked familiar, my name is Emily.” Running into someone you do not know I love that book, it’s my favorite. If you’re thinking about it, you should definitely get it. My name is Jolie, by the way. Practise:

Phrasal Verbs mais usados em inglês

to eat out : to eat away from home, usually in a restaurant. (comer fora de casa, normalmente em restaurante) Example: I don't feel like cooking tonight. Let's eat out. to give up : to stop trying to do something because it seems too difficult to you (desistir, parar de tentar fazer algo, normalmente por ser muito dificul para você) Example: I will never be able to memorize such a long speech. I give up! to hang on : to wait for a short time (used a lot on the phone) (esperar por um curto periodo - muito usado para falar ao telefone) Example: The operator asked me to hang on while she transferred my call. to hang up : to end a phone call (terminar uma chamada telefonica) Example: She's been waiting for a long time, she wants to hang up. to pay off : to have a successful result after a long period of time. (ter um resultado bom após um bom tempo) Example: All that studying paid off! What amazing exam results! to look out : to to be careful, to take care (tom

Frases motivacionais em inglês para o Mundo dos Negócios

• It is very natural that people spend most of their time thinking, especially when the contents of the concerns are greater than the possibilities of solutions. • É muito natural que as pessoas passam a maior parte do seu tempo pensando, especialmente quando o conteúdo das preocupações são maiores do que as possibilidades de soluções. • The world is a great attempt and convincing demonstration of who and what can be better, where people and businesses merge to one race, which most stupid it is, should respond with facts and photos on the day of our existence . • O mundo é uma grande tentativa e demonstração convincente de quem é do que pode ser melhor, onde as pessoas e as empresas se fundem para uma corrida, que por mais estúpida que seja, deverá responder com fatos e fotos no dia da nossa existência. • Who creates invests up the obvious and those who invest is because he likes the prospects of good returns. If you have money, do not forget to renew the capability of his g

Present Perfect - For and since

We use Present Perfect tense to talk about action which started in the past and continues up to the present. Examples    I have had this computer for about a year.    How long have you been at this school?    I haven't seen Julia since September. We use  for  with a period of time, for example:  a few days, half an hour, two years . We use  since  with the time when the action started, for example:  last year, June 8, I met you .

Present Perfect - Already and Yet

Present Perfect Tense - Already and Yet Already  means that something happened earlier than we expected. With Present Perfect already usually goes after have or has and before the main verb. Examples    - We've  already  had our breakfast.    - When are you going to do your homework?    - But I've  already  done it!    - Do you want a cup of coffee?    - No, thanks. I've  already  had one." Yet  means that something that we expected has happened or hasn't happened. We usually put it at the end of a sentence. Examples    - Has the post arrived  yet ?    - Have you done your homework?    - Not  yet .    - Haven't you got ready  yet ? Look at the time!

Present Perfect - Formação

The Present Perfect Tense - How to form We make the Present Perfect tense with the correct form of the auxiliary verb  have  (have/has) and the third form  (past participle) of the mail verb. To form the past participle of the regular verbs, we add  ed  to the infinitive. Examples:    I have worked as a secretary for two years.    Have you ever visited the Disneyland?    The film hasn't started yet. Tip ! You may want to visit  The English Irregular Verbs  pages to learn how we form the past simple (second form) and past participles (third form) of some English verbs.. Present Perfect - Positive Sentences I 've been to Moscow. You 've finished the exercise. He 's just gone home. She 's already had a holiday this year. It 's broken! We 've seen this film before. They 've bought a new car. Present Perfect - Negative Sentences I haven't been abroad yet. You haven't answered my question. He hasn't been home for

Present Perfect - Quando usa-lo?

Nós usamos o Present Perfect para falarmos de coisas que ocorreram em nossa vida, mas sem citar a época Examples    I have been abroad two times.    Anna has never broken a leg.    Have you ever eaten sushi? Tip! Normalmente se usa  never  e  ever  para falar sobre estes fatos.  Nós usamos o Present Perfect Tense para falar sobre algo que ocorreu no passado e que ainda perdura. Examples    I have been a teacher for more than ten years.    We haven't seen Janine since Friday.    How long have you been at this school? Tip! Normalmente se usa   since  e  for  nestas situações. Nos usamos o  Present Perfect Tense tpara falar de coisas que ocorreram no passado e que me trouxeram alguma consequência para o presente. Examples    I have lost my wallet. = I don't have it now.    Jimmy has gone to South America. = He isn't here now.    Have you finished your homework? = Is your homework ready? Tip!  Normalmente se usa  just ,  already  e  yet  com o Present Perfect Te

Verbos em Inglês Usados no Mundo dos Negócios

BUSINESS VERBS English Portuguese Accept Accommodate Accompany Accomplish Accord Account Achieve Acknowledge Acquire Act Add Address Advertise Advise Affect Afford Agree Allow Announce Answer Anticipate Apologize Appear Apply Appoint Appreciate Approach Approve Arise Arrange Arrive Ask Assign Assist Associate Assume Assure Attach Attend Authorise Authorize Avoid Base Be Be delighted Be interested Be pleased Bear Become Begin Believe Benefit Break Bring Build Buy Call Cancel Carry Cause Celebrate Change Charge Check Choose Clarify Clear Close Collect Come Commit Complete Concern Conduct Confirm Congratulate Consider Consult Contact Contain Continue Contribute Convince Coordinate Correct Count Cover Creat