Sinônimos - Vocabulário para o "IELTS Speking Test" com infográfico

Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Test

I for Imaginative
E for Excellent
L for Laid-back
T for Tuned-in
S for Smart.

Olhe para cada uma das palavras acima e pense em quantos sinônimos você consegue citar.
E então, conseguiu se lembrar de bastante ou não? Se não conseguiu esta é a hora de aprendermos novas palavras e de revisar as que você já sabe. 
Vamos começar com uma muito interessante: BRUSH UP. Ao ouvir esta palavra, eu sempre visualizo uma grande escova de dente, escovando meu cérebro!!!!!  Mas é lógico que não é este o sentido, afinal, meu cerebro não está com cáries....
Vamos dar alguns exemplos de sinônimos: Brush up
- imaginative, creative, inventive, original
- excellent, great, outstanding, first-rate
- laid-back, relaxed, lax, easy-going
- tuned-in, learned, informed, knowledgeable
- smart, bright, intelligent, sharp

Mas qual o motivo de fazer este tópico com sinônimos? Simplesmente porque é necessário você sempre aperfeiçoar seu vocabulário a fins de adquirir fluência no inglês. 
Quando acontecer uma briga entre o "tico e teco" no seu cérebro e você se esquecer de uma palavra especifica, se você souber outras com o mesmo significado será mais tranquila a comunicação. 
Além do mais, você pode usar os sinônimos para evitar repetições de palavras numa mesma sentença. Por exemplo, imagine você falando: I have a nice job, a nice lunch, a nice car, a nice woman.
Além de soar desagradável, monótono  sem imaginação e até mesmo tonto, se você estiver fazendo uma prova oral ou escrita, isto te prejudicará demais para atingir uma nota melhor. Expressar uma mesma com palavras diferentes pode ser um diferencial.

Outra maneira de você maximizar teu aprendizado de vocabulário é você escolher quais as palavras que você quer aprender. 
Já aconteceu de você receber uma relação de palavras para decorar para poder fazer algum teste (Isto acontece muito com os verbos), você consegue decorar tudo e mal terminou a prova, você esqueceu tudo? Isto ocorre porque você não teve escolhas nas palavras que eram do teu interesse aprender. O aprendizado eficaz ocorre apenas quando temos motivação para isso. então, escolha palavras que você poderá vir a usar no futuro e fixe-se nelas. Não perca tempo e energia com listas longas e sem sentido para a tua realidade. 
Quer um exemplo? Eu dou aula de inglês em empresas e particular. Tenho empresas na área de aviação, de engenharia, de produção, contábil, administrativo,  profissionais autônomos que trabalham com moda, pessoas que querem aprende apenas para fazer turismo e também jovens querendo entrar numa boa faculdade. Diga-me, qual é a utilidade para os profissionais de moda ensina-los o nome das peças de um avião??????????
Uma outra ideia é organizar as palavras e expressões em tópicos.
Também é uma boa ideia agrupar as palavras e expressões que você quer aprender em tópicos. Ele vai ajudar você a criar um contexto, onde o vocabulário se torna mais significativo e memorável para você. E é isso que vamos fazer agora. Abaixo, você pode encontrar grupos de palavras que virá a revelar-se útil quando se preparar para o exame oral IELTS e IELTS. Se você puder, tente memorizar frases inteiras, elas só irá surgir em sua mente quando você precisar deles.
 As palavras que você vai encontrar não são aquelas palavras típicas e comuns que todos já sabem. Eu as escolhi para dar-lhe a oportunidade para apimentar (fazer mais interessante) o seu vocabulário ativo e impressionar os examinadores ou entrevistadores.

Você usa os "fillers" para a si próprio tempo de pensar numa resposta. Isto faz com que o dialogo soe mais natural: 
Exemplo: Er... Let me think
- What do you think are the most common causes of road accidents?
- Er… let me think… I would say there are two main causes…

Hmm… that’s a good question…
- Is listening to the radio more beneficial for children than watching TV?
- Hmm… that’s a good question. I guess it is, because…

Actually… I’ve never really thought about it…
- Why do teenagers love texting their friends?
- Actually… I’ve never really thought about it… It might be, because they…

Umm… (repeat the question)
- Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
- Umm… Where do I see myself in ten years’ time?… Maybe, I will…

Well, you know …
- Would you give up your car and cycle to work?
- Well, you know… I work quite far from home…

É também muito importante você saber pedir esclarecimento quando você não entender o que a pessoas disse.
- Excuse me, can you repeat the question, please? / I beg your pardon?
- Sorry, what do you mean by…?
- Could you say that again, please?
- I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by….
- I’m not sure I can follow you. Could you be more specific, please?
- Sorry, I didn’t get your point. Could you put it differently, please?

E  também saber dar esclarecimentos quando solicitado:  
- What I mean is… (paraphrase what you’ve said)
- I just want to say that… (paraphrase what you’ve said)
- Sorry, let me explain.
- Sorry, let me put it differently.

to raise = to bring up
(to care for children until they grow up - tomar conta dos filhos até que cresçam)
- I was raised in a small town. I wasn’t raised in the jungle.
Raising children is a huge responsibility.
(the period of life when you are a child - o período de vida enquanto você é uma criança, a infância)
- My childhood was happy and carefree. I used to chase butterflies all day.
- I’m quite sure Charles Manson didn’t have a happy childhood. (he was a serial killer)
adolescence = teenage years
(the period of life between childhood and adulthood - período da vida entre a infância e a vida adulta)
- A large part of my adolescence was spent with partying and avoiding responsibilities.
- My grandmother guided me through the turbulant waters of adolescence.
to play truant = to skive off
(to be absent from school without permission - faltar na escola sem permissão, "matar" aula)
- I used to play truant and spend the whole time with my friends in the arcades.
- I would give a prison sentence to parents who let their children play truant. 
juvenile delinquency
(antisocial behaviour demonstrated by adolescents, usually involving breaking the law - comportamento antisocial por parte de adolescentes, normalmente envolvendo desobediência à lei)
Juvenile delinquency was thriving in the area. The parents couldn’t do anything to stop their children.
Juvenile delinquency rates are usually higher in urban areas.

neglected (adj.) = not looked after, not getting any attention - negligenciar, não dar atenção, não tomar conta
Neglected teenagers seek attention and will do anything to get it.
- My wife feels neglected, so I’ve taken her out to a fast food restaurant.

nuclear family = the smallest family unit: mother, father and children - a familia composta por pai, mãe e filhos
oposto: extended family)
- Nowadays most people live in nuclear families.
- Living in nuclear families means we don’t get to listen to our grandparents’ stories.

to get on well with somebody(to have a good relationship with somebody - ter um bom relacionamento com alguém)
- When we were children, my sister and I didn’t get on very well. We used to pull each other’s pony-tails.
- I wish I could get on well with my mother-in-law, but she’s a real witch.

relative(a person who is related to you by blood or marriage - parentes)
- I think my relatives hate me. I never get any Christmas presents.
- You can choose your friends, but can’t choose your relatives.

in-laws(members of your wife’s or husband’s family - membros da família de seu conjuge)
- I hate the idea of spending the holidays with my in-laws.
- I never know what to buy for my in-laws for Christmas.

red-letter day(any day that’s significant and memorable to you for a reason - qualquer dia que seja de importância para você)
- It was a red-letter day when my son finally learnt how to tie his shoelaces.
- If I pass my exam, that’ll be a red-letter day.

stepparent, stepmother, stepfather(new wives or husbands of your biological parents - madrasta ou padrasto
- First, I hated the idea of moving in with my stepfather, but then it wasn’t so bad.
- Cinderella used to live with a wicked stepmother and two stepsisters.

stepfamily = blended family
(a family where either one or both parents have children from previous relationships - uma família em que um ou ambos os pais têm filhos de relacionamentos anteriores)
- Living in a stepfamily never really bothered me. I could visit my father as often as I wanted.
- Blending families to create stepfamilies is a difficult process.

siblings = brothers or sisters
(individuals sharing the same father or mother - pessoas que compartilham o mesmo pai ou a mesma mãe - meio irmãos ou meia-irmãs)
- As an only-child, I’ve always wanted to have siblings.
- Children growing up with no siblings are often spoilt.

to allow = permit = let
(to give your permission to someone to do something dar permissão para algo ou alguem)
- My biological father always allowed me to eat ice-cream before dinner.
- Minors shouldn’t be allowed to buy alcohol.

quality time(time when you dedicate yourself to only one person or activity - tempo que você dedica para apenas uma pessoa ou atividade)
- My mother and I didn’t spend enough quality time together. She always had to work.
- Spending quality time with your children is more important than making a lot of money.

to take after somebody(to be/resemble someone in appearance or character - ser parecido com alguém quanto a aparência ou caráter)
I take after my mother. I have the same green eyes.
- Children often take after one of their grandparents.

overprotective (adj.)(wanting to protect someone too much - superproteger)
- My mum used to be overprotective when I was a child. She never let me go to the playground on my own (alone).
Overprotective parents should seek professional help to help them relax a little.

strict (adj.)(wanting order and discipline all the time, opposite = lenient, forgiving - a pessoa que deseja uma disciplina rigida o tempo todo, o oposto de displicente, indulgente)
- My mother was very strict. If I was just ten minutes late, she grounded me for a week.
= grounded = not allowed to leave the house
Strict teachers are often more popular than lenient ones, because they don’t let misbehaved children interfere with their teaching.

foster family(children living with guardians who are neither their natural nor their adoptive parents - crianças que vivem com tutpres, que não são seus pais biologicos nem adotivos.)
- My friend, Jack, lived with at least five different foster families as a child. He was quite troublesome.
Foster families can change a child’s life for the better.


amusement park = funfair
(a large park where you can play games, go on fantastic rides and have fun with friends - parque de diversões)
- I went on so many rides in the amusement park that I got dizzy and had to lie down on the ground.
- You can always buy pink cotton candy in an amusement park.

slot machine
(a coin operated machine to play gambling games - aquelas máquinas que você coloca uma moeda para jogos de azar)
- I got change for twenty dollars and played the slot machines for hours.
- The only way to win on slot machines is not to play them.

roller coaster(an elevated railway with small, open passenger cars that goes up and down at a high speed)
- We had a great laugh when we looked at the photos my friend took on theroller coaster.
Roller coasters make me sick to my stomach.

to take up(to start doing a new sport, hobby or start learning something new - começar a fazer um esporte novo, ou começar a aprender algo novo).
- My mother thought my father was getting too fat, so he took up golf when he retired.
- I’d like to take up a new language, but I’m not sure which one to chose: Dutch or Japanese.

DIY /di:- ai- wai/(building or repairing things around the house with no professional help - construir ou reparar coisas na casa sem ajuda profissional)
- I’m good at DIY, but I had to call a plumber when I couldn’t fix the sink.
- My husband spends hours looking at screws and nails in the local DIY store.

pottery(vase, pots, plates etc. made of clay/ the craft of making pottery - (vaso, panelas, pratos, etc feito de barro / a arte de fazer cerâmica)
Making pottery is such a creative activity. I’ve made vases for everyone in the family.
- I’ve tried to take my husband to some pottery classes with me, but he always went to the pub instead.

knitting(making sweaters, gloves, scarves etc using two long needles and yarn - tricotar)
- My grandma loves knitting, so everyone in the family has matching knitted sweaters and hats.
Knitting is the new yoga. Its repetitive movements help you relax and meditate.

to mow the lawn(to cut the grass in the garden with a lawn mower - cortar a grama do jardim com  cortador de grama)
- My neighbours always mow the lawn on Sunday evenings.
- In most countries, you can only mow the lawn on certain days, at certain times.

hedge(a line of shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence between two houses or in front of a house - uma linha de arbustos ou árvores de baixo crescimento, formando um muro entre duas casas ou em frente de uma casa - cerca viva)
- Trimming the hedge is hard work. My hands are always sore afterwards.
- I have the most beautifully trimmed hedge in the whole neighbourhood.

sitcom = situation comedy
(humorous television series based on every day life situations - programa humoristico de televisão baseado em situações cotidianas)
- My niece loves having sitcom marathons with her friends at weekends.
- ‘Friends’ must be the most popular sitcom of all times.

review(a report that gives the writer’s opinion about a book, film, theatre production etc. - (um relatório que dá a opinião do escritor sobre um livro, filme, teatro de produção, etc)
- I never read the reviews before watching a film. I don’t want to be biased.
- Writing reviews must be such a fun job. You can criticize other people’s work and nobody slaps you in the face.

cinemagoer = moviegoer
(a person who often goes to the cinema - uma pessoa que sempre vai ao cinema)
- My uncle is a devoted cinemagoer. He goes to see every new release.
- They opened a new multiplex in our town, but the high prices and uncomfortable seats were certainly a shock to the unsuspecting cinemagoer.

city dweller(someone who lives in a city - alguém que mora na cidade, cidadão)
- I’m a city dweller. I have no idea how to milk a cow.
City dwellers should make sure they spend enough time outdoors.

hiking(the activity of going for long, hard walks in the mountains - atividade de ir para longas caminhadas nas montanhas)
- The last time I went hiking, I sprained my ankle. I don’t think I’ll ever do it again.
- I always feel much more energetic and relaxed after I’ve been hiking.

scenery = landscape
(the view of natural features e.g. mountains, hills or rivers/ *scenery may also mean accessories on a theatre stage - a visão de recursos naturais, por exemplo, montanhas, morros ou rios / * cenário também pode significar acessórios em um palco de teatro)
- The scenery was so breathtaking, I had to stop every two minutes to take a photo.
- The scenery was really weird in my dream. There were pink mountains and yellow lakes around me.

atmosphere = ambiance
(the dominant mood of a place - o clima dominante do lugar)
- I love going to our local pub, because of its familiar atmosphere.
- The festival was a great success; the weather was good and the atmospherewas fantastic.

do aerobics/ karate/ judo/ yoga
- I’ve never done judo, but I’ve tried karate.
- I’m not sure what my dog thinks of me when I do yoga, but he sure looks puzzled.

play basketball/ tennis/ computer games/ rugby (play + ball games)
- My nephew plays rugby, so you can ask him about the rules.
- If I was taller, I could play basketball. Right now, I can only play golf.

go skiing/ skating/ fishing/ trekking (go + … ing)
- My husband and I go skiing to the French Alps every winter.
- My friend broke her leg while she was learning how to skate.

rowing machine(a fitness device that simulates rowing as in a boat - um aparelho de ginástica que simula o remo como em um barco)
- When I go to the gym, I usually use the rowing machine to work the muscles in my arms and legs.
- My husband would like to buy a rowing machine, but I don’t think he will use it.

exercise bike (a fitness device that simulates cycling as on a bicycle um aparelho de ginástica que simula os movimentos de uma bicicleta)
- I’ve bought an exercise bike, but I only use it to keep my clothes on it.
- I love watching my favourite soap opera while riding my exercise bike

crash helmet(protective headwear worn by cyclists and motorcyclists - capacete)
- You can’t give me a lift on your motorbike. I haven’t got my crash helmet with me.
Wearing a crash helmet might save your life if you have an accident.

knee pads(protective garnment worn by cyclists, football players or skaters on their knees - joelheira)
- My son’s taken up football. I must go and buy a pair of football boots and knee pads for him.
- I’m so glad I was wearing my knee pads when I fell on asphalt.

extereme sports = adventure sports
(paragliding/ hang gliding/ white water rafting/ snowboarding/ skydiving/ cave diving)
- I’d love to go white water rafting with you, but I’m afraid I’m having my hair cut that day.
Cave diving was a really creepy experience for me. I didn’t think we would get out alive.

adrenaline rush(a very intense feeling that you feel all over your body when doing something dangerous - adrenalina)
- Most people do extreme sports, because they want to get an adrenaline rush
- If you want to get an adrenaline rush, try to take away my pitbull’s toy.

mass tourism(we talk about mass tourism when a lot of people visit one place - usamos este termo quando várias pessoas visitam um local - excursão)
Mass tourism is destroying our churches. I don’t think we should let so many people visit them.
Mass tourism creates jobs for local people and it also makes our town a more exciting place to live.

culture shock(a strong and upsetting feeling we get when suddenly faced with an unfamiliar culture - choque cultural)
- When I first arrived in London, nobody helped me to get over the culture shock. It took me months to get used to their way of life.
- I was suffering from culture shock, when fortunately, I made some new friends and began to enjoy my stay.

currency(money/ medium of exhange - moeda corrente)
- Lira used to be the currency of Italy, before they introduced the euro.
- We use kisses as currency at home. When my daughter wants something, she can always pay with a kiss.

in advance(before something, ahead of time - antes de qualquer coisa)
- If you want to buy cheap airline tickets, it’s best to book in advance.
- We never plan our holidays in advance. We just pack our suitcases and take the first flight available at the airport.

make a complaint(to tell the staff or manager that you’re not happy with the service you received - fazer uma reclamação)
- Somebody used our bathroom while we were out, so we had to make a complaint at the reception.
- It’s so embarrassing to go out with my father-in-law. Whenever we’re in a restaurant he demands to see the manager and make a complaint.

to embark on = to set out on a journey
(to begin a journey - embarcar, iniciar a viagem)
- Make sure you have made all the necessary arrangements before you embark on your world tour.
- When my son was born, I embarked on the most beautiful journey of my life.

B&B = Bed and Breakfast
(a private house that provides accommodation and breakfast to guests - uma casa parrticular que fornece alojamento e café da manhã para hóspedes)
- I love staying in B&Bs when travelling in the country. The atmosphere is familiar and the food is usually delicious.
- My husband and I would like to run a B&B, but we don’t have enough spare rooms.


tabloid(a small size newspaper with lots of photographs, gossip and sensational material - um pequeno jornal de tamanho, com muitas fotografias, fofocas e material sensacional)
- I only read tabloids when I go to the hairdresser’s. There are always some on the table in the waiting area.
- They say every time you read a tabloid, a book dies. I much prefer reading books.

libel(untrue information that is published and damages someone’s reputation - informações mentirosas publicadas contra a reputação de alguém)
Internet libel should be taken more seriously. People are allowed to say whatever they want about anyone these days.
- Editors should make sure that the material they publish doesn’t contain libel.

broadsheet(a newspaper that’s bigger than a tabloid with fewer photographs and more factual articles - um jornal que é maior do que um tablóide, com menos fotos e artigos mais factuais)
- I used to read broadsheets, but nowadays I just get the news from the TV or the Internet.
- It’s quite annoying when someone’s reading a broadsheet next to you on the tube (underground). They keep turning the pages in your face.

censorship(the act of deleting or editing press and media information to control what is being published - o ato de apagar ou editar imprensa e informações da mídia para controlar o que está sendo publicado)
- In my country, media censorhip laws have remained the same in the past ten years. I think it’s time for a change.
- In my opinion there shouldn’t be political censorship at all. I believe in freedom of speech.

broadcast(transmission of a radio or television program - transmissão de um programa de radio ou TV)
- Films should be broadcast in their original language. It would help language learners tremendously.
- If you missed yesterday’s broadcast of ’Who Wants To Be a Millionaire’, you can watch it at 3 o’clock this afternoon on channel 5.

forecast(calculation or prediction of what is going to happen regarding, for example, changes in the weather or the economy - cálculo ou previsão do que vai acontecer em relação, por exemplo, mudanças no clima ou a economia)
A 20-day weather forecast is available on the website. I usually check it before planning an outdoor event.
The economic forecast for next year anticipates growth.

coverage(the reporting or broadcasting of events - reportagem ou cobertura jornalistica de um evento)
- Nowadays, you can see live coverage of just about everything: births, deaths, wars, natural disasters, celebrations.
- The coverage of the last Olympic Games was fantastic. I was glued to the screen for days.

be on (the) air(be transmitted live, at the present moment - ser transmitido ao vivo)
- The suspect admitted to the murder on air. It was really shocking. 
- The presenter thought they had started playing music, but he was still on air. It was really embarrasing.

remote control = clicker(a device you can use to control a television, DVD player or Hi-Fi from a distance - controle remoto

- My sons always fight over the remote control. Joey is interested in sports, but Rick only wants to to see cartoons. 
- I wonder how people used to change channels on the TV before the remote control was invented. Did they actually have to stand up and walk to the television?

prime time (the evening hours when most films and popular programs are on air - horário nobre. 
- There’s too much violence and nudity on prime time television.
- Parental Guidance (PG) is advised after prime time.


to give something a boost(to increase or raise something, to make something bigger and better - impulsionar)
It takes more than an apple a day to boost your immune system.
You can boost your vitamin C intake by drinking some freshly squeezed orange juice every morning.

vulnerable(easily hurt physically or emotionally - sensível física ou emocionalmente)
- The elderly are particularly vulnerable in winter to the effects of cold, wet weather.
- Adolescents are a typically vulnerable group when it comes to drug abuse.

to be prone to(to have a tendency/ when you’re prone to something, the chances are high that it will happen to you -  uma tendência / quando você está propenso a alguma coisa, as chances são altas de que isso vai acontecer com você)
- Overweight people are more prone to diabetes than thin ones.
- Since I started my new job, I’m prone to panic. I don’t know what I should do to de-stress.

sedentary lifestyle(lifestyle with no physical activity vida sedentária)
- People who live a sedentary lifestyle are called couch potatoes.
Sedentary lifestyle may lead to depression and a weakened immune system.

cut down on(to reduce the amount of intake - reduzir a quantidade de comida ingerida)
- If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to cut down on fatty food.
- I think we need to cut down on Facebook time and meet our friends in person.

NHS(National Health Service- publicly financed health care, available for everyone in the country -  serviço publico de saude, concedido a todos do pais.
- To register with an NHS GP, you have to go into your local surgery and provide proof of address.
(GP = General Practitioner/ Doctor) (surgery = the place where a doctor can be consulted)
- The NHS sould provide patients with more information on the dangers of smoking.

nervous breakdown(a serious mental illness stopping people from living normally, often in the form of depression, insomnia and anxiety - uma doença mental grave que impede as pessoas de viver normalmente, muitas vezes sob a forma de depressão, insônia e ansiedade
- If you don’t find a way to de-stress, you’ll end up having a nervous breakdown.
- I had a near nervous breakdown when I found out that my husband was cheating on me with my best friend.

alternative medicine(healthcare practice that doesn’t use traditional drugs and treatments - medicina alternativa)
- I don’t believe in alternative medicine. I once went to a chiropractor and he nearly broke my neck.
- Acupuncture is one of the most popular types of alternative medicinenowadays. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t like to have needles stuck on my face.

plastic surgery(operation to reshape, remodel or resize body parts - cirurgia plástica)
- Britney Spears must have had a couple of plastic surgeries. She looks younger now than ten years ago.
- I’m against plastic surgery. I think we are beautiful the way we were born.

sick leave(paid abscence from work - folga do serviço remunerada)
- My bosses weren’t very happy when I had to go on sick leave.
- My colleague’s been on sick leave for weeks now. I don’t think I can do everything by myself any longer.

common cold(a mild infection with symptoms like sneezing, coughing, runny nose and temperature - resfriado
- Adults have the common cold two or three times a year on average.
- You should drink plenty of liquids and stay in bed for a few days to get over the common cold fast.

flu = influenza(viral infection with severe symptoms like higy temperature, muscle pain and fatigue - gripe)
- You shouldn’t go to work if you have the flu. It’s contagious and others will catch it too.
- I didn’t mind having a flu as a child; everyone was really nice to me and kept giving me presents to cheer me up.

(severe inflammation of the lungs resulting in the air sacks being filled with liquid - pneumonia)
- I spent two weeks in hospital when I had pneumonia. My back hurt so much, I will never forget those two weeks.
- I don’t know if you can catch pneumonia from another person. Ask your doctor.

cancer(an extremely serious disease typically with tumors in different parts of the body - cancer)
- Smoking might cause lung cancer.
- Chemotherapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer patients.

childhood diseases(illnesses typically caught in childhood, e.g. Mumps, Chicken pox, Measles - doenças infantis tais como catapora, etc)
- Every child should be vaccinated against childhood diseases.
- I can’t visit your daughter in hospital, I’m afraid. I didn’t have any of thechildhood diseases, and you know they’re really dangerous when caught in adulthood.


discrimination(treating people as inferior because of their race, gender, religion, age etc. descriminação)
Sexual discrimination in the workplace is illegal, however, it’s always the women who are asked to make coffee for meetings.
Racial discrimination is unacceptable. I will hire the best candidate for this job, regardless of their race.

protest = riot
(people gathering in a public place to show that they disagree with something the government has done - protesto)
- There will be an anti-capitalist protest in the city centre tomorrow. It’s better to avoid the area.
- The students are organizing a protest against the increasing school fees. I don’t think I will attend. I don’t like crowds.

poverty-stricken (adj.)(to describe places or people that are extremely poor a descrição de locais ou pessoas extremamente pobres)
- The Prime Minister visited the poverty-stricken areas of the country.
- One day I’d like to travel to poverty-stricken countries to help the poor.

crime-infested (adj.)
(to describe a place where crime rates are very high - descrever um local onde a taxa de crimnalidade é muito alta)
- I grew up in a crime-infested ghetto, but I managed to stay out of trouble.
- I’m thinking of buying that house, but I don’t know if the area is crime-infestedor not.

beggar(a person who asks people in the street to give him/ her some money - mendigo)
- They say you shouldn’t give change to beggars. They will never get a job if they can make enough money begging.
- I feel so sorry for the beggars in our street. I buy them some food once a week and give them some warm clothes before winter.

famine(when a lot of people starve/ don’t have enough food to eat, we call it a famine - faminto)
- The famine in Ethiopia shocked the whole world and a lot of charities raised money to send food to the country.
- The Irish famine of 1845 forced thousands of families to leave the country.

epidemic(when a serious disease spreads very quickly and a lot of people catch it, we call it an epidemic - epidemia)
- There’s usually a seasonal flu epidemic every winter in my country.
- Diabetes is considered the latest epidemic in the Western world.

flood(water overflowing land that is usually dry - inundação)
- I wouldn’t build a house on the river bank. There are floods there every spring.
- Disaster tourists took photos of the flood instead of helping the locals.

drought(a long period of dry weather with no rain at all - seca, estiagem)
- Plants need to store water to survive summer droughts.
- There was a three-month drought last year. Farmers lost a lot of money.

global warming(a gradual increase in the temperature on our planet - aquecimento global)
Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. It is causing natural disasters, for example floods, tidal waves and hurricanes.
- If global warming gets worse, I might have to move to Alaska. I can’t stand hot weather.


perk = fringe benefit
(extra benefits given to employees besides their salary, for example use of company car or mobile phone - benefício adicional)
- The only perk I have is free parking in our basement. I wish I had a better job with a multinational company.
- I love my new job; the perks are great. They’ve given me a brand new car, a mobile phone and a laptop. I also get free tickets to the local swimming pool and I can use the company fitness centre anytime I want to.

promotion(getting a higher ranking position at a workplace- promoção)
I’ve just got a promotion: I’ve been promoted to Key Account Manager. Let’s go out and celebrate! I’ll buy everyone a drink.
- I hope I’ll get a promotion soon. I don’t think I can work in this position for much longer. My colleagues drive me crazy.

job satisfaction(it means how happy you are with the way things are at your workplace - grau de satisfação no emprego)
- I’ve been asked to fill out a job satisfaction survey. I’m not sure what to write. I don’t want to offend my bosses.
- Employee job satisfaction may give a real boost to productivity. Employers must realize that.

rewarding (adj.)
(something that makes you feel satisfied and happy algo que te faz sentir-se satisfeita e feliz - gratificante)
- Teaching is such a rewarding job. I love the look on my students’ face when they get good grades.
- I’m not sure what job I’d like to do after I graduate, but has to be challenging and rewarding at the same time.

health insurance contribution(money that you or your employers pay to the state every month to cover your public health care costs -  dinheiro que voce ou seu chefe paga todo mês ao estado para cobrir seus gastos com saude gratuita)
- Your health insurance contribution is automatically deducted from your salary if you are employed full time.
- I’m self-employed, so I have to pay my health insurance contribution directly to the NHS.

be made redundant(be dismissed from work, because you’re no longer needed - ser demitido do trabalho, por não ser mais necessário)
- My company downsized last year and I was made redundant.
Being made redundant is better than being fired- you get redundancy payment.

workaholic(a person who has a strong desire to work and doesn’t like doing other things - pessoa viciada em trabalhar)
- My friends think I’m a workaholic, just because I often work late hours.
- My boss is a workaholic and he obviously thinks nobody in the office minds working unsocial hours.

to be in charge of…(supervising/ controlling/ commanding - supervisionar, controlar, comandar)
- I’m in charge of a group of ten people in my department.
- Who was in charge of decorating this place? The walls are green and the pictures are pink. No customer will ever enter. 

to deal with…(to handle/ to have to do with - lidar com)
- I have good communication skills. I deal with customers on a daily basis.
- As a housing manager I have to deal with repairs and conflicts between neighbours.

to involve(to contain/ to include - involver)
- My job involves travel. I love it, because I get to see new places and to meet new people.
- Does your current job involve dealing with customers?


ongoing assessment(evaluation of a student’s progress based on his/ her performance throughout the whole course- not based on one single test or exam - avaliação do progresso do aluno durante o curso)
Ongoing assessment has become quite popular lately. Learners like the idea of getting constsant feedback.
- I would have been more relaxed at secondary school if we’d had ongoing assessment instead of those horrible end-of-unit tests.

to be poor at something(not to be good at something - não ser bom  em algo)
- I was so poor at Mathematics at school, I always had to take extra lessons with a private tutor.
If I weren’t poor at Physics, I would love to become a doctor.

certificate(a document that shows that an educational program has been completed - certificato certificado)
- To get an IELTS language certificate, you have to take the test.
- I have a hairdressing certificate on the wall in my salon to make my customers more relaxed.

diploma(the document received at the end of secondary school or graduate/ professional school or an academic award   - diploma)
- When we received our diplomas at the high school graduation ceremony, everybody threw their hats in the air.
- The best students, including me, were awarded honorary diplomas.

degree(a rank given to someone after completing his/her university or college studies - grau)
- I hold a bachelor’s degree (BA) in Philosophy. I’m studying for my master’s (MA) degree at the moment.
- Candidates with a business degree are more likely to get this job.

correspondence course(distance learning- you don’t have to go to the school in person, materials and assignments are sent by post or via e-mail curso por correspondencia)
- I followed a correspondence course in Child Psychology when I was living in Paris.
- When applying for a job, they don’t usually take correspondence courses into consideration.

grant = scholarship
(money given to students by the government to finance their further or higher education - bolsa escola)
- I’ve applied for the grant. All I can do now is cross my fingers and wait for the results.
- If I don’t get the grant, I’ll have to find a part-time job, possibly in a restaurant. I wouldn’t like that.

fee(payment given for professional services, for example medical treatment or teaching - taxa)
- I dropped out of school, because my parents couldn’t pay the fees.
- The registration fee will be added to the tuition fees.

tuition = instruction, teaching

with flying colours (with great success -  com grande sucesso)
- I’m sure you’ll pass the exam with flying colours. You’ve studied a lot.
- If I keep passing my tests with flying colours, my parents must buy me a car, or at least a new computer.

to resit an exam(to sit an exam again - refazer um exame)
- I’ve failed my exam twice already, but I’ll keep resitting until I pass.
- If you want to get a better IELTS score, you can resit the test anytime.

This graph shows…/ The graps show…
- a gradual/steep increase/decrease in…
- the number of cases between …
- the rate of…

The graph compares … and … / The graphs compare…

The number of cases…
- went up to…
- went down to…
- plumeted to…
- dropped to…
- peaked at…
- fluctuated around…
- stood at…
… about = approximately = nearly = roughly

It can be seen…
There is a noticable…
In conclusion we can see…

Poxa, espero que vocês tenham gostado!!!  Este deu bastante trabalho. escolha a área do teu endereço e comece hoje mesmo!!!!
Denise Mardegan


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