Significado - Pig it out e Cut down - vocabulário sobre "alimentos"
Ambas expressões podem ser usadas quando estiver falando sobre comida. Vamos ver como são usados.
Pig out é um verbo usado quando você come ou bebe demais demais.
- I always pig out when I go to a buffet restaurant.
- Jack said he pigged out at Tom’s party last night.
- I pigged out on grilled shrimp at the buffet restaurant last night.
- Jack said he pigged out on chips and salsa at Tom’s party
- I drink too much coffee. My doctor told me to cut down.
- Jack doesn’t smoke so much anymore. He really cut down.
- My doctor told me to cut down on coffee.
- It seems like Jack cut down on smoking.
Have you pigged out recently? On what? Have you tried to cut down on something? Leave a message here and let me know. (Exagerou na comida ultimamente? Em que? Tentou ?cortar alguma coisa? Deixe uma mensagem para que eu saiba.
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