8 Expressões em inglês que deixarão você "Happy as a clam"

8 Idioms About Happiness That Make You Happy as a Clam [Infographic]

É fundamental aprender expressões idiomáticas para melhorar a fluência no idioma. Hoje vamos aprender a falar algumas expressões sobre"felicidade". Você também terá alguns exemplos de uso. 

Idioms about happiness
1. “Having a whale of a time” - have a very good time, have an exciting or fun time
- “How was your birthday party?”
- “Oh great, there were a lot of friends, we were playing games and dancing, we really had a whale of a time.”
2. “On cloud nine” - very happy, cheerful
- I was very afraid of the history exam, and when I managed to pass it, I was on cloud nine, I invited all my friends to a drink in the local pub.
3. “Tickled pink” - very much pleased or entertained
- I suggest picking some flowers for your girlfriend. I’m sure she’ll be tickled pink and she won’t refuse your proposal.
4. “On top of the world” - feeling wonderful, glorious, ecstatic
- Since he was promoted to the position he had desired for ages, he feels glorious, he’s sitting on top of the world.
5. “Happy as a clam” - very happy and comfortable
- When her parents left for holiday, she was happy as a clam staying alone in the house.
6. “Buzzing” - excited for something that’s going to happen
- I’m buzzing for the holidays. Imagine, we’re going on a diving trip in Greece.
7. “Over the moon” - extremely pleased and happy
- Do you remember how happy we were when we first stayed out for a night? We were over the moon.
8. “In seventh heaven” - in a very happy state
- Real happiness is when you work for it. I’m sure you’ll be in seventh heaven when you get your first salary and buy a scooter.


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