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O uso do get

Get tem muitas traduções e usos na língua inglesa. Vamos var alguns destes usos.

Usamos o get quando recebemos algo. Quando você usa o get, significa que tem outra pessoa envolvida na ação.
  • I got a hat for my birthday.
  • I got several emails this morning.
  • Jack got a phone call from his boss on Sunday.
Usamos o get no sentido obter/alcançar.
  • Jack got a new job at the bank.
  • I got the chance to meet the actor after the performance.
  • I need to get more sleep. I’ve been feeling tired recently
Get também tem o sentido de tornar-se. Mostra uma chance e mudança ou progressão e normalmente é usado seguido de um adjetivo.
  • It gets dark earlier and earlier in the fall.
  • As we age, we get older and wiser.
  • A baby elephant gets big very quickly.
Usa-se também no sentido de chegar em algum lugar (arrive).
  • We can take an early flight and get to Boston by noon.
  • We got to the theater late and missed the movie.
  • I usually get home at 8pm.
Tem também o sentido de ir a algum lugar para pegar algo e retornar em seguida.    
  • I was watching TV and got a drink during the commercial.
  • Jack gets the kids from school at 3:30pm.
  • Can you get that book from the shelf in the living room for me?
E então, consegue pensar em outros usos? Deixe teus exemplos e sugestões.
Bom estudo!

Um exercicio para você praticar:
Complete the sentences using the phrasal verbs in the box.

1. The train will _______ this flatform in 5 minutes. Please wait behind the yellow line.

2. You must find a way to _______ in life. You can't be a waiter all your life.

3. Two prisoners tried to _______ from jail last night. The police caught them after 3 hours.

4. I can't stand Judy and Steve. I don't want to go to their wedding! I wish I could _______ it. But what can I say?

5. I'm so happy there's no school tomorrow. I can stay in bed for as long as I like and ________ at noon.

6. I'm trying to explain the new material in geomertry but it's not _______. The students
don't understand what I'm saying.

7. He can't _______ Jane. He misses her a lot and talks about her all the time. We must do something to help him.
8. I usually _______ great with my little brother. We are good friends even though he is
much younger than me.

9. There is my house over there, at the corner of this street. Do you see it? I have to _______ the bus now.

10.  I took your computer to the lab. They are trying to fix it. You will have to _______
without it for a few days.


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