Dando sua opinião em inglês

Ten Expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing

  1. In my opinion, this one would be better. ('In my opinion' is the classic expression - but it's not the only one. Use moderately.)
  2. To my mind this one's better. (To my mind' is a common spoken form - and you can use it in writing, too.)
  3. If you ask me, this one's better. (If you ask me' is very, very common in spoken English, and can come first or last in a sentence.)
  4. To my way of thinking, this one's fine. (To my way of thinking' is often used with emphasis on 'my' to give a strong opinion.)
  5. In my view, this one is best. (Common in spoken and written English.)
  6. Know what I think? That one's best.(The abbreviated question '(Do you) know what I think?' is very popular and is not rude.)
  7. I'd say that one's better. (The conditional structure I'd say is rarely taught as a conditional, but this is one of the most common ways of giving an opinion in English.)
  8. What I think is that one's better.(Common in spoken and written English.)
  9. For me, that one's better. (Common in spoken and written English.)
  10. I tell you what I think, that one's best.(Very popular and quite direct, but it is not rude)


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