
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2015

Inglês por música - Glory

A música  Glory  (Glória), cantada por  John Legend  e  Common , é uma canção internacional do cantor e rapper norte-americanos, respectivamente, que fez parte da trilha sonora do filme "Selma",  chegando também ao Hot 100 da Billboard. Num ritmo embalado pela melodia de piano e no som que mistura o R & B característico de John Legend, e o rap e hip hop de Common, a canção ganhou o prêmio de melhor canção original do Globo de Ouro em 2015. Falando na letra na luta para vencer a guerra pela igualdade e liberdade, quando a conquista for alcançada, a glória será proclamada.  Pequeno trecho do filme:  Abaixo segue a letra da música: Glory One day when the glory comes It will be ours, it will be ours One day when the war is won We will be sure, we will be sure Oh glory Hands to the heavens, no man, no weapon Formed against, yes glory is destined Every day women and men become legends Sins that go against our skin become blessings The movement is a rhythm to

Como se preparar para uma entrevista para professores de inglês

Having been a language teacher for over thirty years, I have been to many interviews and been asked a great array of questions. Did I nail all my interviews? I’m not sure. But one thing is for sure: I go to job interviews feeling super confident and comfortable these days, because I’ve learnt a lot from my hits and misses. Here are my tips. 1. APPEAR UNFLAPPABLE  (but approachable) If you’re flappable, students will flap you. Needless to say, your future employers want someone who’s in control. I know you have those butterflies in your stomach, but try to channel all that adrenalin building up in you into appearing upbeat and confident. Even witty. Be the person everybody would like to hang out with. Be the teacher every student would love to learn from. There are some simple tricks that will help you appear more confident. Don’t fidget, don’t fiddle with your pen. Speak clearly and, please, never ever cover your mouth while speaking. Keep eye contact with the interviewer and don

Vocabulário em Inglês para Inverno

O inverno este ano esta forte e isto inspirou a preparar uma lição com vocabulário neste tema.  Exemplos de frases: Snow  When snow starts falling, you should get your shovel ready. Too much snow can make driving dangerous. It snows a lot in January in New York. It was snowing this morning. Flurry & blizzard  It’s snowing, but just flurries. We are supposed to have snow flurries all weekend. There is going to be a blizzard tomorrow. Slush & slushy When I stepped in the slush, my shoes and feet got very wet. The road was very slushy. I had to drive slowly. To be snowed under. Because of the blizzard, we were snowed under. It took more than a day for us to dig out. I can’t leave the office early today. I’m snowed under with work. Bob said he was snowed under with schoolwork. A snow job: Jack’s reason for coming late was just a snow job. She gave me a snow job about not having time to finish her homework. If you know anyone who has tr

Idioms para Snow (neve)

(to be) Snowed in : Trapped (somewhere) because of too much snow, most likely due to a recent  snow storm . e.g. The snow was so deep that we were snowed in for three days. Luckily we had enough food to last us a while. (to be) Snowed under:   Overworked; exceptionally busy. e.g. Look, I’m really snowed under at the moment. Can this wait? (to) snowball into something:  Fig. [for something] to become larger or more serious by growing like a snowball being rolled. e.g. This whole problem is  snowballing  into a crisis very rapidly. (to / not to) have a snowball’s chance in hell:  to have no chance at all of achieving something (usually + of + doing sth) e.g. With those grades she doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting into college. A snow bunny: 1. Someone learning to ski. e.g. This little slope is for snow bunnies. They call it the ‘ bunny hill ’. 2. A young, attractive female at a  skiing  lodge. e.g. Some cute little snow bunny came over and s

There is - There are - Lesson Plan

I found a really fun way to teach There is a .../ There are some .../ There are many .../ There aren't any ... . The first thing I do is elicit and write on the board 20 things you can find in a country. ex. cities, buildings, roads, rivers, etc... try to stick to countables for these. Then I tell the students I have some good news. they get to make their own country. They need to write down 15 things (from the board) that are in their country. And make sure they write down if there is one river, some rivers or many rivers. so their lists will look like this: There is a city. There are some roads. There are many beaches. etc... After the students have written down what is in their country and named their country I tell them I have some bad news. The bad news is, they are being kicked out of the country they are in now. So they need to find a new country to live in. Fortunately, now there are many countries to choose from. so each student must interview 3 different count

Quite ou Very?

"Quite" e "very" intensificam adjetivos. "Very" é mais forte do que "quite".  This house is very big. Este casa é muito grande. This house is quite big. Esta casa é bem grande.

Inglês com música - With wide arms wide

Sugestão de aula: Peça para que eles anotem em uma folha de papel todas as palavras que eles entenderem. Toque uma vez.  Passe todas as palavras do vocabulário na lousa. Peça para eles formarem frases.  Ouça novamente a música e fale para eles tentarem ouvir as palavras do vocabulário, tentando escrever as frases.  Passe então o vídeo com a letra e pratiquem as estruturas.  VOCABULÁRIO: Adjetivos : wide, ready, Substantivos : news, life, eyes, tears, joy, face, arms, sunlight, place, man, breath, side, awe, love, wish, demand, hand, world, Verbos : heard (to hear), seems (to seem), going (to go), pray, stream down, show, know, am (em I’m – to be), be, have, take, stand, have (em we’ve), created (to create), had (to have), hope, is (em he’s – to be), understands (to understand), hold, can, greet, Contrações : I’ll (I will), don’t (do not), I’m (I am), he’s (he is) Letra da música: WITH MY ARMS OPEN Well I just heard the news today It seems my life is g

Sugestão de aula de inglês para o Valentine's day

Gosto muito de ensinar os "idioms" para meus alunos, pois os mesmos são usados pelas americanos muito espointaneamente, mas para os estudantes eles precisam ser ensinados gradativamente, sendo que isto fortalece a fluência e também a auto confiança.  Hoje o tema será "love idioms", em vista da comemoração do Valentine's Day.   Passos ara o aprendizado: STEP ONE Imprima as imagens com  os idioms e espalhe-os pela classe. STEP TWO Divida os alunos em pares. Um será o read runner o outro será o listener recorder.  STEP THREE Separe somente os read-runners e ensine-os a ler os 'idioms" e as definições.  STEP FOUR O reader-runner se dirige as figuras e le-as em voz alta, assim como as definições. Ele tem que memorizar o que leu.  STEP FIVE O reader-runner volta e dita para o listener-recorder o que ele leu. Isto deve ocorrer com todas as frases.  STEP SIX Após terminarem todo

Some Any

When do we use  some  and when  any ? We use  some  and  any  for an amount which is not known e.g. Do you have  any  crisps? Use of  some  and  any some:  affirmative statements, offers, requests and in questions when you expect the answer ›yes‹ any : negative statements, questions Do you have  any  bananas? No, we don' t  have  any . But we have some   oranges. Exceptions: I would like to buy fruit at a market. I see the man has wonderful apples so I can ask him: Can I have  some  of these apples? If I do not see apples or if I am not sure whether there are apples at all I use  any  in this question. Do you have  any  apples?

Uso de "I would like"

  I would like  =  I’d like. Observe os exemplos a seguir: I would like to go to the beach. (Forma contraída: I’d like to go to the beach.) Eu gostaria de/quero ir à praia. I would like to speak English. (Forma contraída: I’d like to speak English.) Eu gostaria de/quero falar inglês. I would like to talk to you. (Forma contraída: I’d like to talk to you.) Eu gostaria de/quero falar com você. I would like to play soccer. (Forma contraída: I’d like to play soccer.) Eu gostaria de/quero jogar futebol. Você também pode usar  I would like  para pedir coisas, principalmente alimentos e bebidas. I would like some coffee. (Forma contraída: I’d like some coffee.) Eu gostaria de/quero um pouco de café. I would like a cup of tea. (Forma contraída: I’d like a cup of tea.) Eu gostaria de/quero uma xícara de chá. I would like a chocolate. (Forma contraída: I’d like a chocolate.) Eu gostaria de/quero um chocolate. Por fim também é possível usar a expressão  would like  com outros p

Dicas para melhorar seu inglês

How to Improve Your English Learning English (or any language for that matter) is a process. You are continually improving your English and following ‘How to’ describes a strategy to make sure that you continue to improve effectively.     Here’s How: Remember that learning a language is a gradual process – it does not happen overnight. Define your learning objectives early: What do you want to learn and why? Make learning a habit. Try to learn something every day. It is much better to study (or read, or listen to English news, etc.) 10 minutes each day than to study for 2 hours once a week. Remember to make learning a habit! If you study each day for 10 minutes English will be constantly in your head. If you study once a week, English will not be as present in your mind. Choose your materials well. You will need reading, grammar, writing, speaking and listening materials. Vary your learning routine. It is best to do different things each day to help keep th