A origem do Black Friday e Vocabulário em Inglês
Hoje é um dia após o dia de Ação de Graças (Thanksgiving). O dia é conhecido nos Estados Unidos como "Black Friday", e há uma série de mitos sobre a origem do nome. Os varejistas querem que você acredite que o dia que eles vendem tudo abaixo do preço de compra, mas a verdade é que suas verdadeiras origens vêm de policiais de trânsito cansados em Filadélfia, no início da década de 1960.
Mas no início de 1960, "Black Friday" passou a ser usado na Filadélfia para descrever a corrida às compras pós-Ação de Graças. Taylor-Blake descobriu um artigo em um boletim de relações públicas a partir de 1961, que usa "Black Friday" no seu significado atual. Abaixo segue o artigo original. Logo após eu explico em português.
Papai Noel trouxe às lojas de Philadelphia um presente sob a forma de "um dos maiores fins de semana de compras na história recente". Ao mesmo tempo, mais uma vez provou-se que há uma relação direta entre as vendas e relações públicas.Santa has brought Philadelphia stores a present in the form of "one of the biggest shopping weekends in recent history." At the same time, it has again been proven that there is a direct relationship between sales and public relations.
For downtown merchants throughout the nation, the biggest shopping days normally are the two following Thanksgiving Day. Resulting traffic jams are an irksome problem to the police and, in Philadelphia, it became customary for officers to refer to the post-Thanksgiving days as Black Friday and Black Saturday. Hardly a stimulus for good business, the problem was discussed by the merchants with their Deputy City Representative, Abe S. Rosen, one of the country's most experienced municipal PR executives. He recommended adoption of a positive approach which would convert Black Friday and Black Saturday to Big Friday and Big Saturday. The media cooperated in spreading the news of the beauty of Christmas-decorated downtown Philadelphia, the popularity of a "family-day outing" to the department stores during the Thanksgiving weekend, the increased parking facilities, and the use of additional police officers for guaranteeing a free flow of traffic ... Rosen reports that business over the weekend was so good that merchants are giving downtown Philadelphia "a starry-eyed new look."
—Public Relations News, Dec. 18, 1961, p. 2.
Para os comerciantes do centro da cidade em todo o país, os maiores dias de compras normalmente são os dois seguintes do Dia de Ação de Graças. Resultado são engarrafamentos, um problema irritante para a polícia e, em Filadélfia, tornou-se habitual para os oficiais se referir aos dias pós-Ação de Graças como Black Friday e Black Saturday. Dificilmente seria encarado como um estímulo para um bom negócio, o problema foi discutido pelos comerciantes com o seu Vice-Representante da Cidade, Abe S. Rosen, um dos mais experientes executivos de relações públicas municipais do país. Ele recomendou a adoção de uma abordagem positiva que iria converter Black Friday e Black Saturday em algo bom. Os meios de comunicação colaboraram na divulgação da notícia enfeitando a cidade para o Natal. Em Philadelphia, a popularidade de um dia para a familia sair para as lojas de departamento, durante o fim de semana de Ação de Graças, o aumento das facilidades de estacionamento, bem como a utilização de policiais adicionais para garantir a fluidez do tráfego ... Rosen relata que o negócio no fim de semana foi tão bom que os comerciantes estão dvendo isto tudo com "um novo olhar sonhador."
-public Notícias Relações, 18 de dezembro, 1961, p. 2.
Vocabulario em Inglês para o Black Friday and Black Saturday, ou se preferir Big Big Saturday, como também é chamado o sábado:
BOGO – Buy one, get one. Sometimes, if you buy one thing, you can get ano.ther one for free. If an ad says BOGO 50% off, that means that if you buy one, you can get a second one at half price. - Compre um e leve outro gratuitamente.
Cyber Monday – the Monday after Thanksgiving. When the weekend is finished and people go back to work, stores want to continue making money, so they sell things on their websites. Cyber Monday is the biggest online shopping day of the year. It’s the day when people spend the most money shopping online. A segunda feira após o Trhanksgiving. Quando o fim de semana acaba e as pessoas voltam para os seus trabalhos, as lojas continuam a fazer dinheiro, e então eles vendem as mercadorias pelos websites. A Cyber Monday é o dia de maior venda on line do ano.
cyber sale – low prices only available online. You must buy things from a store’s website to get cyber sale prices. The prices are higher in the stores. Preços baixos apenas para vendas on line. Vendas on line.
doorbuster deal/doorbuster savings/early bird specials – low prices for people who shop early. If a store opens at 8:00 a.m., the store might have extra-low prices until 9:00 a.m. These low prices early in the morning are doorbuster deals. Listen to commercials closely to find out the hours when you can get these low prices. Vendas abaixo para quem for as lojas cedo. Por exemplo, se a loja abrir as 8 horas, a liquidação será apenas até as 9 hs.
exclusions – things that do NOT have a lower price while other things do. Some ads say things like, “40-60% off everything in the store!! Some exclusions apply.” This means that some things are not on sale even though everything else in the store is. Apenas algumas coisas estão em promoção.
lay-away – the process of paying for something little by little while the store keeps it. If you buy something with credit, you take it home immediately and pay for it later. If you put something on lay-away, the store keeps it until you pay for it completely. When you have paid 100% of the price, you take it home. Not all stores do lay-away. You should ask if you want to buy something expensive. Pagamento apenas a vista terão o desconto,
limited quantities – not enough for everybody. The new PlayStation 4 came out on Friday, and they were all gone from every store before the day was done because quantities were limited. Sometimes stores will give you a free gift when you spend a certain amount of money, but they don’t have enough gifts for everyone, so when all the gifts are gone, you can’t get one no matter how much money you spend. Quantia limitada.
night owl deals/specials – low prices for people who shop late. Stores want to have shoppers shopping all the time, but they know that people are tired after work and just want to go home. They have night owl deals so that people have a good reason to go shopping late at night when they’re tired and just want to go to bed. Listen to commercials closely to find out the hours when you can get these low prices. Preços mais baixo para quem copmprar no final do expediente.
price match – Stores will sell something to you at a lower price if you can prove that another store is selling it for the lower price. If you see a toy at Wal-Mart for $50, but you get an ad in the mail from Target that says the same toy is $45, you can take the ad to Wal-Mart, and they will sell you that toy for $45. They are matching Target’s price. A loja vende o produto mais barato do que a concorrência, caso você prove isto. Wal Mart tem este tipo de venda.
rain check – buying something at a lower price after the sale has ended. Let’s say you want to buy a toy for your son. You see an ad that says the toy is on sale. Normally, it costs $50, but this week only, it costs $35. You are excited. You go to the store, but they don’t have the toy because other people have already bought them all. They had limited quantities of the toy, and now they are sold out, and the store won’t have any more of that toy until next week (after the sale is over). Ask if you can have a rain check. A rain check is a note from the store’s manager that gives you permission to buy something at the sale price after the sale is over. You can go back to the store next week and buy the toy for $35. Many stores, especially during Black Friday sales, will not give you a rain check. . É uma autorização do gerente que te dá a permissão de comprar algo pelo preço abaixo mesmo se o periodo de liquidação acabou.
red dot clearance – low prices on items with a red circle. Sometimes, a store needs to sell all of an item to make room for something new. They will sell these items at a very low price because they want people to buy all of them. This is a clearance sale. They might put a colored sticker on the clearance items so you know which ones they are. Usually this sticker is red, but sometimes a store will have different colored stickers for different discounts. Maybe a blue sticker means 30% off. Maybe a green sticker means 40% off. Maybe a red sticker means 75% off. Each store is different, but there are usually signs that explain the different colors. Preços abaixo apenas para os produtos que estiverem marcados com um ponto vermelho.
sold out – The store has sold all of something. There are no more. Fim de Estoque. O produto acabou.
steal – a very good deal (a very low price). Normally, “steal” is a verb that means to take something that is not yours. In this case, a steal is a deal that is so good, a price that is so low, that it feels like you are stealing it (but you aren’t). If you buy a new, 40-inch, flat-screen TV that works perfectly for $75, that is a steal. Preço extremamente baixo.
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