The story of a flight attendant - The story of a flight attendant

  • Practice English skills in an aviation context
  • Test your reading skills (level: easy)
  • Have fun!
There’s a certain mystique about flight attendants, isn’t there? Watch heads turn as cabin crew walk by. They’re elegantly uniformed, immaculately turned out, on their way to somewhere far away and seemingly having the time of their lives. You can almost hear everyone wondering, ‘What’s it like for them?’
The average person is usually quite curious about what life is really like for flight attendants, what it feels like to wear that uniform, what really goes on among cabin crew, how many languages the flight attendant can converse in and how glamorous the lifestyle really is.
Click here to receive the REAL definition of a flight attendant!
And flight attendant hopefuls are equally interested to glean as much information as they can from working flight attendants, and to receive confirmation or encouragement that the dream is within reach.
A charming story follows. It’s written by a former flight attendant who writes about her career – starting at age four when she used to line up her dolls and teddies on a ‘plane’ she would convince her brother to ‘pilot’.

Read through the article then choose the correct answer below
  1. In the first paragraph, the TV flight attendant’s uniform is described as elegant navy blue with gold wings / bright pink with a purple scarf / a smart black suit.
  2. While in college, the writer attended two / several / dozens of interviews.
  3. The writer’s first job was with Western Airlines / Eastern Airlines / Eastwick Airlines.
  4. Mrs Burton was a purse / recruiter / flight attendant.
  5. The writer went on to work as a flight attendant for 9 / 13 / 6 years.
  6. The message of the article is to pursue your dreams / write to an airline / diet and exercise.
  1. elegant navy blue with gold wings
  2. several
  3. Eastern Airlines
  4. Recruiter
  5. 6
  6. pursue your dreams

Here is your next English for Flight Attendants lesson!


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