Job hunting- Unit 1 - Audio 1.2

Jack: So, Federico. What's all this about you moving jobs?

Federico: Well, yes, I've just decided to start looking for a new job. | love my current job, and my colleagues are great, but if I'm going to get more experience,  I´ll have to go somewhere else

Jack: Sure you can't get that experience where
you are?

Federico: No. Our company's too small. I need to go somewhere bigger.

Jack: Any idea where?

Federico: Well, I've got a few companies in mind.

Jack: And have you got the skills and experience these companies are looking for?

Federico: Well, I´ve got the qualifications they're looking for. When it comes to skills and experience, | think | can demonstrate that I'm very adaptable. | don't mind working late or at weekends, and I´ll have a go at anything, | pick things up very quickly.

Jack: That's true.

Federico: I'm also good at coming up with new ideas and suggesting alternative solutions. That sort of thing.

Jack: Yeah, | remember when we used to work together, you used to stick notes with new ideas everywhere. Your desk was such a mess and you never knew where anything was. The desk of a creative genius, | guess!
Federico: Well, the desk is still a mess, but at least | know where everything is now!

Jack: Well, it sounds like you've got a lot to offer.

Federico: Yes, although the main company interested in is looking for someone who can speak a bit of Mandarin, and I’ve never even been to China. I'd love to be able to speak Mandarin, though.

Jack: So what are you going to do about it?

Federico: Well, actually I've already started taking lessons, and I've started listening to Chinese language podcasts while | travel on the bus. I´m hoping that my commitment   might   help   convince the company to take me on.

Jack: That's impressive. How's it going”?

Federico: It's tough, but if I want to get a new job, I’ve got to make the effort.


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