Wait or wait for

Wait or wait for?

Wait significa permanecer no mesmo local ouu não fazer algo até que algo mais ocorra. 
Podemos usar com ou sem a preposição FOR. 
Put a tea bag into the cup, then add water and wait (for) a minute or two before taking it out.
I phoned the head office but I had to wait (for) five minutes before I spoke to anyone.
We waited (for) hours to get the tickets.
Resultado de imagem para WAIT FOR      Resultado de imagem para WAIT TO

Para frases que usem objetos diretos, usamos o FOR
Wait for us outside the cinema. We’ll be there at seven o’clock.
 Wait us …
waited for the postman every day last week hoping that your present would arrive.
 I waited the postman …

Wait com to-infinitivo

Quando o complemento for verbo, usamos o mesmo no infinitivo:
All right, I’ll wait to hear from you, Adam, then I’ll ring Simon.
By 9 pm there were about 20 people still waiting to vote.

Can’t wait

Resultado de imagem para CAN´T WAIT FOR
Quando estamos ansiosos para que algo ocorra, usamos a expressão CAN´T WAIT.
can’t wait for tonight. I’m having a party! (I’m really looking forward to tonight.)
We can’t wait to go to Barcelona in June. (We’re really looking forward to going.)

Expressões com WAIT:

Expressions with the word WAIT

wait your turn = to wait in a patient way for the opportunity to have or do something
an accident waiting to happen = a situation that is likely to cause an accident
can hardly wait = used to say that you are excited about something that will happen
keep somebody waiting = to make somebody have to wait or be delayed, especially because you arrive late
wait and see = used to tell somebody that they must be patient and wait to find out about something later
wait a minute/moment/second = to wait for a short time OR used when you have just noticed or remembered something, or had a sudden idea
wait till/until = used to show that you are very excited about telling or showing something to somebody
just you wait = used to emphasize a threat, warning or promise
waiting in the wings/waiting (for) your chance = to be prepared for an opportunity to do something that you have wanted to do fora long time
wait for the dust to settle = to wait for a situation to become clear or certain
wait behind = to stay after other people have gone, especially to speak to somebody privately
wait about/around = to stay in a place, with nothing particular to do, for example because you are expecting something to happen or somebody to arrive
wait on somebody (hand and foot) = to act as a servant to somebody
wait something out = to wait until an unpleasant event has finished
wait up for somebody = to wait for somebody to come home at night before you go to bed

there's no time to wait = used for saying that you must do something immediately


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