O que quer dizer: Give me a break!

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Give me a break pode ter 3 usos em inglês. 
 Importante também é frizar a pronuncia: Gimme a break! 


 Give me a break - com o sentido de "Não acredito!"
I don’t believe you!”
“That can’t be true!”
  • Bob: I heard that someone jumped off the Empire State Building with a parachute.
  • Joe: Give me a break! The security in that building is too tight for such a stunt.
  • Ted: Joe said that he saw Johnny Depp at the diner on 6th Ave.
  • Jen: Give me a break! I doubt any movie star would eat at that crappy diner.

Give me a break! - com o sentido de "Pare de me encher o saco!"
“Stop bothering me, please!”
“Ok, that’s enough!”
  • Jack: Are you finished yet? I want to watch TV?
  • Jane: Jack! Give me a break! I told you I am studying for an important exam. Go watch TV at your friends house.
  • Dan: Isn’t dinner ready yet? I’m so hungry!
  • Serena: Oh, give me a break! It’s not easy to cook popovers.
Give me a break! quando alguém está te repreendendo ou incomodando. O nosso sentido de : "Dá um tempo!"
“Don’t be so harsh!”
“Please be more lenient with me.”
  • Boss: You know you’ve been late twice this week.
  • Worker: Can you give me a break? My daughter caught the flu and I’ve needed more time to care for her in the morning.
  • Policeman: Miss, you were driving too fast on that street.
  • Danielle: I’m sorry officer. Please give me a break! I am going to a job interview and if I am late, I’ll never get the job.

Espero que tenham gostado da dica. 


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