
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2016

O que quer dizer: Give me a break!

                G ive me a break  pode ter 3 usos em inglês.   Importante também é frizar a pronuncia:  Gimme a break!  Audio:  Give me a break - com o sentido de "Não acredito!" I don’t believe you!” “That can’t be true!” Examples: Bob: I heard that someone jumped off the Empire State Building with a parachute. Joe:  Give me a break!  The security in that building is too tight for such a stunt. Ted: Joe said that he saw Johnny Depp at the diner on 6 th  Ave. Jen:  Give me a break!  I doubt any movie star would eat at that crappy diner. Give me a break!  - com o sentido de "Pare de me encher o saco!" “Stop bothering me, please!” “Ok, that’s enough!” Jack: Are you finished yet? I want to watch TV? Jane: Jack!  Give me a break!  I told you I am studying for an...

Sílabas Tônicas em Inglês - Word Stress

Word stress é a chave para entender o inglês falado. Os nativos usam o stress naturalmente. Imediatamente reconhecem um estrangeiro exatamente por não usarem esse stress. é tao natural para eles que enem reconhecem o fato de usar.  Para os não nativos, muitas vezes isso se torna um problema, pois eles tem dificuldade de entender um nativo e também em controversia, de se fazer entender.  Vamos tentar entender o básico do Word Stress.  PRIMEIRO PONTO: O QUE É SILABA? vogal ou grupo de fonemas que se pronunciam numa só emissão de voz, e que, sós ou reunidos a outros, formam palavras [Unidade fonética fundamental, acima do som. Existem palavras com uma, duas, três ou mais sílabas.  word number of syllables dog dog 1 green green 1 quite quite 1 quiet qui-et 2 orange or-ange 2 table ta-ble 2 expensive ex-pen-sive 3 interesting in-ter-est-ing 4 unrealistic un-rea-lis-tic 4 unexceptional un-ex-cep-tio-nal 5 Note que normalmente a silaba t...

Diferença entre SOLE e ONLY

  Use SOLE quando você quiser enfatizar exclusividade. sole·ly -  Função: adverbio 1   :  without an associate (as a companion or assistant)  :  SINGLY  ,  ALONE   <go  solely on one's way> 2   :   to the exclusion of alternate or competing things  (as persons, purposes, duties) <done  solely  for money> <a privilege granted  solely  to him> <rely  solely  on oneself>  Sole é um adjetivo e Only pode ser adjetivo, adverbio ou conjunção. Consequentemente, nem sempre você pode colocar Sole onde está only. Apenas quando a função gramatical for a mesma.   Exemplos: This is the  only  useful book available here. I am the  only  child of my parents. No other one can be found on the island. The hermit is the  sole  inhabitant there. This widow lived all by herself. Her  sole  companion was her maid servan...

Phrasal Verb ARRIVE

Using  arrive in Jack arrived in New York in 2005. We arrived in Turkey last Friday. Using  arrive at I arrived at the park early and took a nice walk. I arrived at my office at 8:30 this morning. We need to arrive at the party by 6:00. Using  arrive with She arrived with her two kids. I arrived with my laptop. Using  arrive by She arrived by taxi last night. I arrived by plane, but I am going back home by train. Using  arrive for We arrived for the free lunch, and it was worth the trip. We arrived for the wedding ceremony with plenty of time to spare.

Expressões Idiomáticas em Inglês com animais

A guy sitting a few tables next to me was eating like a pig. Those kids were eating like pigs and they didn’t throw away their trash when they finished! These days I often eat like a horse. I’m so hungry all the time. In a similar way, when you are very hungry, you can say, I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!. When someone eats like a bird, they eat very little. My mom eats like a bird. It means she doesn’t eat very much. Lori said her friend Jenny drinks like a fish. I know I work like a dog all the time!