Business English Expressions 1

Business English Expressions

1. 800 pound gorilla - o grupo ou companhia maior ou mais poderosa
Example: "If we follow our plan to make this new software, we're going to have a lot of competition, including from the 800 pound gorilla, Microsoft."

2. (a rising tide that) lifts all boats - algo que ajudará a todas pessoas ou grupo.
Example: "We're only number three, but the current economic growth will lift all boats, so we're sure to make a profit this year."

3. an old hand - uma pessoa com larga experiência em um cargo
Example: "He can help us set up a new company. He's been working in this industry for many years and knows the language of business - he's really an old hand at this."

4. at the 11th hour - no último minuto
Example: "The negotiated until late at night and it seemed they would never agree. Finally, at the 11th hour, they came to an agreement."

5. on a shoestring - com recurso financeiro curto
Example: "They started their company on a shoestring and built it up to one of the largest companies in the world!"

6. bring to the table - tudo o que podes oferecer
Example: "I will meet with Teacher Joe's new company to show him what we can bring to the table."
7. carve out a niche - encontrar um mercado a qual possas controlar
Example: "To succeed in this competitive world, you have to focus on part of it. Try to carve out a niche and be number one in that are."

8. deep pockets - estar cheio do dinheiro
Example: "If there is a price war, we won't win because we don't have deep enough pockets."

9. down time - quando equipamentos e facilitades não funcionam ou não são acessíveis.
Example: "There will probably be a lot of down time at the conference, so I'm bringing a lot of paperwork."

10. (draw) a line in the sand - realizar condições finalizadoras que não podem ser alteradas.
Example: "We have to draw a line in the sand so they will see that this is really our final offer."

11. free ride - obter beneficios sem custo
Example: "Of course we should make them pay for our travel expenses. WHy should we give them a free ride?"

12. from day one - desde o inicio
Example: "Teacher Joe has been providing the best English-learning web site from day one!"

13. get your foot in the door - Ter uma pequena oportunidade que poderá vir a se apresentar como uma grande chance no futuro
Example: "Right now, I just want to get my foot in the door, so they can see what I can do. Next year I hope to start moving up in the company."

14. I need it yesterday - maneira informal de dizer imediatamente
Example: "Can I send that report to you later this afternoon?"
"No! I need that report yesterday!"

15. a two-way street - pessoas ou grupos que podem contribui ou beneficiar-se de alguma situação.
Example: "We want to help you, but we need your help too. It should be a two-way street."

16. it will never fly - não terá sucesso
Example: "We don't have to worry about their idea competing with ours. It will never fly."

17. it's a jungle out there - Uma tarefa muito dificil, com muitos competidores e dificuldades.
Example: "Do you think a new company can survise without a unique product? It's a real jungle out there!"

18. jump through hoops - tentando com muito afinco
Example: "He's a tough boss. All of his subordinates have to jump through hoops to prove their loyalty to the company."

19. put your cards on the table - ser totalmente honesto
Example: "I think it's time to put all of our cards on the table. Here's what we need..."

20. learning curve - o tempo necessário necessário para aprender algo.
Example: "This new software has a long learning curve, so we have to give our staff enough time to learn how to use it well."


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