Song Activity - Love me again - John Newman

Copie o exercicio e passe uma folha para cada aluno.

Toque o video do youtube sem a letra da música para eles preencherem o exercicio. Preste atenção que são exercícios diferentes. Se tiver alguma dúvida, poste em baixo para esclarecimento.

Depois toque o video com a música para eles corrigirem.

Por ultimo, cantem e divirtam-se.

Sem a letra:

Com a letra:

"Love Me Again" – John Newman

Part 1: coloque as frases na ordem certa, numerando de 01 a 06:

(     ) Where only fools go
(     ) I shook the angel in you
(     ) Is that what devils do?
(     ) Took you so low,
(     ) Know I’ve done wrong,
(     ) Left your heart torn

Parte 2 – Complete a canção com as palavras abaixo:
ground     -     strength     -     nothing     -     rising

Now I’m rising from the _______________
________________  up to you
Filled with all the_____________ I found
There's ________________ I can’t do!

Part 3 -  Passe a frase em negrito para a afirmativa e para a negativa
I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again? (4 x)

Can you love me again?
                                                           Negativa: ___________________________________________________
                                                           Afirmativa: _________________________________________________

Parte 4 - Traduza as palavras em negrito:
It’s unforgivable,                                           ___________________________________
I stole and burnt your soul                              ___________________________________
Is that what demons do?                                 ___________________________________
They rule the worst of me                               ___________________________________
Destroy everything,                                       ___________________________________
They bring down angels like you                   ___________________________________

Repete a Parte 2 – Complete a canção com as palavras abaixo:
ground     -     strength     -     nothing     -     rising

Now I’m rising from the _______________
________________  up to you
Filled with all the_____________ I found
There's ________________ I can’t do!

I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again? (2x)

Can you love me again?

I told you once I can't do this again, do this again, oh, no(2x)
I told you once I can't do this again, do this again, oh, no

I need to know now, know now
Can you love me again? (4x)

Oh, oh (can you love me again?)

Can you love me again? (2x)


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