Review Past Tense - Plan

Review Past tense

 The objective is to understand and use the past tense.  Students will be able to  tell about the pasta t athe affirmative, negative or interrogative forms.
Some of these activities will be in the form of a game.

10 minutes: review of some verbs related to presente and past tenses, and certain adverbs (E.g. yesterday, last night. Last week, etc)

15  minutes:
Ask some questions to the class?
(1) What did you do after school yesterday?
(2) Did you play soccer  last week?
(3) How was the weather last weekend?
(4) Did you enjoy your last birthday?
Write some  answers at the board.
Explain that the past tense is used to tell about states completed at a certain point of time in the past. Remember regular and irregular forms

15 minutes:
It will be explained to students that (-ed) ending has three different pronunciations:    /t/, /d/, /id/.
Explain  that certain sounds we produce come from our mouth (voiceless sounds), but other sounds come from the throat  and we feel vibration in the neck while we produce call them (voiced sounds).
((-ed) is pronounced as [t], [d] ,[id] sounds according to the letter comes before it whether it is voiced or voiceless one).
Write some  letters on the board, and will ask students to produce these letters loudly while they are putting their fingers on their necks so that they can feel the vibration on their necks.
Suggestion: b, f, k,n, p, s, v, x,
10 minutes:
At the notebook they can play the pronounced games. Link:

The irregular verbs:
Watch this vídeo from  the British Council, asking them to write all the verbs they listen, regular or irregular. Play twice.
Check with them, watching again and writing at the board the verbs.
15 minutes: Provide extended practice 
Tell students that the best way to learn which verbs are regular and irregular, and remember the past form of irregular verbs is through lots of practice and not necessarily memorization. 
On their computers, tablete or cell phone, do some exercises.

20 minutes: English throught song:
Go to youtube and learn a song about past.
OneRepublic – Something I Need
Because you loved me – Celine Dion
The Fray – Over My Head (Cable Car)
Set fire to the rain – Adele
Torn – Natalie Imbruglia
Coldplay – Paradise
Passenger – The Wrong Direction
Katy Perry – The One That Got Away

If you prefer, you can do writing exercises with the song
Exercise examples:
1.     They can complete the song with the past form or the verbs given in parentheses,
2.     They organized the verses from 1 to 4
3.     They fill in the blanks while they are listening

Simple Past

Tell me about your last vacation. Where did you go? What did you do?
What did you do for you last birthday?
Who was your first crush?
What was the last really difficult thing you had to do?
What did you eat for you last meal?
Who did you meet last week? What did you do together?
Tell me about what you did for the last 24 hours.
When was the last time you were really excited about something?
Tell me about where you lived as a child.
When was the last time you went to an amusement park? How was it?
What was the best meal you ate recently?
How did you come here?
When was the last time you went to a movie theater? What did you see?
Talk about the last time you were really scared.
Tell me about your best or worst school teacher.
What tech problems annoyed you recently?
What was your first TV like?
What are some events in the past that made you who you are?
What did your bedroom look like when you were a teenager?
What bands were popular when you were young?
When was the last time you were shocked?
What chores did you have to do when you were young?
Where did you hang out with your friends last? What did you do?
Who were some of your favorite sports stars in the past?
What did they play?
Why were they your favorite?
Name some of your country’s famous sports stars of the past.
Why were they famous?
What was your best memory from when you were a child?
What is your earliest memory?
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Who was your childhood best friend?
What games did you like to play when you were a child?
What were some of your favorite toys?
Which was better for you: elementary school, junior high school or high school?  Why?
Did you study hard in high school?
What kinds of food did you eat when you were a child? Do you eat the same things now?
What was your country like when you were a child?
Do you think the past was better than the present? Why or why not?
What were some of the benefits of living in the past?
Talk about your country’s past (100 years ago), how was the past different from the present:
Recreation (free time activities)


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