agradável de olhar, ou (especialmente de meninas ou mulheres ou coisas relacionadas com elas) atraente ou charmosa de uma maneira delicada:
a pretty view
My older sister is prettier than I am.
That's a pretty hat you're wearing.
The sofa was covered in very pretty flowery material.
She's got such a pretty daughter.
She looked pretty in a simple cotton dress.
Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbour.
pretty pink flowers
I tied the ribbon around the parcel in a pretty bow.
She was young and pretty, with a spotless reputation.
Quando se fala de uma "Pretty Woman" também quer dizer que é uma mulher, porém com a aparência de ser muito mais nova.
Imagine o dialogo?
How old are you?
I am 53.
You are a pretty woman.
pretty much, pretty well - quase totalmente
I've pretty well decided I'm not going to go.
I've pretty much finished here.
She knows pretty well everything there is to know on the subject.
Mais exemplos:
- I guess that things are pretty hard for you now.
- It's pretty noisy at night-time.
- It's pretty unlikely that they'll turn up now - it's nearly ten o'clock.
- The place emptied pretty quickly when the fight started.
- Nothing really changes around here. One dayis pretty much like the next.
Gramática - podemos usar pretty iem conversas informais como se fosse um advérbio, antes de um adjetivo ou de um outro advérbio, com um significado de um pouco, mas não muito.
Outros idioms:
cost sb a pretty penny - muito caro
That coat must have cost you a pretty penny!
not be a pretty sight - feio ou desagradável de se olhar
I can tell you, first thing in the morning he's not a pretty sight.
not be just a pretty face - ma pessoa bonita, porém burra.
"How did you know that?" "Well, I'm not just a pretty face, you know."
a pretty pass - uma situação ruim, complicada
Things have come to a pretty pass when a referee can no longer be trusted.
pretty please - é uma expressão usada para pedir para alguém alguma coisa ou persuadir alguém a fazer algo, de maneira amigável. Tem uma conotação de muito bom humor.
Can we have one, too? Please! Pretty please!
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