Present Perfect Continuous

 O Present Perfect Continuous é um tempo verbal que usamos para falar sobre ações que começaram no passado e continuam até o presente ou que foram recentemente concluídas, mas têm um impacto no presente. A estrutura do Present Perfect Continuous é:

Sujeito + have/has + been + verbo principal no gerúndio (ing)

Quando Usar

  1. Ações que começaram no passado e ainda estão acontecendo:

    • Exemplo: "I have been studying English for three years." (Eu estou estudando inglês há três anos.)
  2. Ações que terminaram recentemente e têm um impacto no presente:

    • Exemplo: "She is out of breath because she has been running." (Ela está sem fôlego porque estava correndo.)


  • Afirmativa:

    • I/You/We/They have been working.
    • He/She/It has been working.
  • Negativa:

    • I/You/We/They haven't been working.
    • He/She/It hasn't been working.
  • Interrogativa:

    • Have I/you/we/they been working?
    • Has he/she/it been working?


  1. Complete as frases usando o Present Perfect Continuous dos verbos entre parênteses.

    a) I ________ (read) this book for two hours.

    b) They ________ (work) on the project since Monday.

    c) She ________ (wait) for her friend for half an hour.

    d) We ________ (travel) around Europe for a month.

    e) He ________ (learn) Spanish for six months.

  2. Transforme as frases em negativas.

    a) He has been watching TV all day.

    b) We have been cleaning the house.

    c) They have been discussing the issue for hours.

    d) I have been practicing the piano.

    e) She has been taking care of her brother.

  3. Faça perguntas com base nas informações dadas.

    a) (you/study) English for long?

    b) (he/play) football for two hours?

    c) (they/live) here for ten years?

    d) (we/wait) here for a long time?

    e) (she/work) at the same company since 2015?


  1. Complete as frases usando o Present Perfect Continuous dos verbos entre parênteses.

    a) I have been reading this book for two hours.

    b) They have been working on the project since Monday.

    c) She has been waiting for her friend for half an hour.

    d) We have been traveling around Europe for a month.

    e) He has been learning Spanish for six months.

  2. Transforme as frases em negativas.

    a) He hasn't been watching TV all day.

    b) We haven't been cleaning the house.

    c) They haven't been discussing the issue for hours.

    d) I haven't been practicing the piano.

    e) She hasn't been taking care of her brother.

  3. Faça perguntas com base nas informações dadas.

    a) Have you been studying English for long?

    b) Has he been playing football for two hours?

    c) Have they been living here for ten years?

    d) Have we been waiting here for a long time?

    e) Has she been working at the same company since 2015?


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