Perfect Tenses: Present, Past and Future Tenses

 Os tempos "Perfect" em inglês são usados para indicar ações que têm alguma ligação com o presente, passado ou futuro em relação a outro evento ou momento. Aqui está uma explicação dos três principais tempos "Perfect":

Present Perfect

Estrutura: [Sujeito] + have/has + [verbo no particípio passado]


  1. Ação completada em um tempo não especificado antes de agora:
    • "I have eaten breakfast."
  2. Ação que começou no passado e continua até o presente:
    • "She has lived here for ten years."
  3. Experiência de vida:
    • "They have visited Paris."


  • "He has finished his homework."
  • "We have known each other for a long time."
  • "I have never seen that movie."

Past Perfect

Estrutura: [Sujeito] + had + [verbo no particípio passado]


  1. Ação que foi completada antes de outra ação no passado:
    • "I had finished my homework before I watched TV."
  2. Ação que aconteceu antes de um momento específico no passado:
    • "They had left by the time we arrived."


  • "She had already left when I called."
  • "By the time we got to the theater, the movie had started."
  • "He had never seen the ocean before that trip."

Future Perfect

Estrutura: [Sujeito] + will have + [verbo no particípio passado]


  1. Ação que será completada antes de algum momento ou outra ação no futuro:
    • "I will have finished my homework by tomorrow."
  2. Para indicar uma expectativa de conclusão antes de um ponto no futuro:
    • "By next year, they will have graduated."


  • "She will have read the book by the time the class starts."
  • "We will have arrived by midnight."
  • "They will have completed the project before the deadline."


  • Present Perfect: Ação que ocorreu em um tempo indeterminado no passado ou que continua até o presente.
  • Past Perfect: Ação que ocorreu antes de outra ação ou momento específico no passado.
  • Future Perfect: Ação que ocorrerá antes de um momento ou ação específica no futuro.

Exercício 1: Complete as frases com o Present Perfect

  1. She __________ (to visit) many countries.
  2. They __________ (to finish) their homework.
  3. I __________ (to live) in this city for five years.
  4. We __________ (never/to see) that movie.
  5. He __________ (already/to read) the book.

Exercício 2: Complete as frases com o Past Perfect

  1. By the time we arrived, the movie __________ (to start).
  2. She __________ (never/to be) to New York before last summer.
  3. They __________ (already/to leave) when we got to the party.
  4. I __________ (to finish) my homework before I went out.
  5. He __________ (to eat) dinner before she came home.

Exercício 3: Complete as frases com o Future Perfect

  1. By this time next year, I __________ (to graduate) from college.
  2. They __________ (to finish) the project by the deadline.
  3. She __________ (to complete) the marathon by noon.
  4. We __________ (to leave) before you arrive.
  5. He __________ (to save) enough money to buy a car by the end of the year.

Exercício 4: Combine as frases usando Present Perfect, Past Perfect ou Future Perfect

  1. (Present Perfect) She (to read) the book. / Now she can discuss it.

    • She __________ the book, so now she can discuss it.
  2. (Past Perfect) They (to eat) dinner. / Then they watched a movie.

    • They __________ dinner before they watched a movie.
  3. (Future Perfect) We (to clean) the house. / By the time our guests arrive.

    • We __________ the house by the time our guests arrive.

Exercício 5: Traduza as frases para o inglês usando o tempo perfeito adequado

  1. Eu nunca estive em Londres. (Present Perfect)
  2. Quando eu cheguei, ele já tinha saído. (Past Perfect)
  3. Eles terão terminado o trabalho até amanhã. (Future Perfect)
  4. Nós já vimos este filme antes. (Present Perfect)
  5. Ela tinha terminado o relatório antes da reunião. (Past Perfect)


Exercício 1:

  1. has visited
  2. have finished
  3. have lived
  4. have never seen
  5. has already read

Exercício 2:

  1. had started
  2. had never been
  3. had already left
  4. had finished
  5. had eaten

Exercício 3:

  1. will have graduated
  2. will have finished
  3. will have completed
  4. will have left
  5. will have saved

Exercício 4:

  1. She has read the book, so now she can discuss it.
  2. They had eaten dinner before they watched a movie.
  3. We will have cleaned the house by the time our guests arrive.

Exercício 5:

  1. I have never been to London.
  2. When I arrived, he had already left.
  3. They will have finished the work by tomorrow.
  4. We have already seen this movie before.
  5. She had finished the report before the meeting.


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