Vocabulário em Inglês para o mundo de negócios

advertising - show your products to customers through radio, television or newspapers
"What is the best way for us to advertise our product?"

afford - ser capaz de comprar
"Television is the best advertising, but the most expensive. Can we afford it?"

 agenda - o roteiro de uma reunião
"The first item on our agenda is advertising."

booming - um negócio que cresce rapidamente
"This year business is booming, so we can start thinking about increasing our investments."

 borrow - pegar algo emprestado
"We need to borrow $100,000 to expand our business."

 brand - marca (McDonald's, Coca Cola, Volkswagen, etc.)
"We'll need to borrow money for advertising, then we'll build our brand awareness."

break even - quando a saída financeira está equivalente a entrada
"The company didn't make money nor lose money during the last quarter. They just broke even."

bribe - suborno
"She was sent to prison for 30 years for trying to bribe a high official."

 budget - a detailed plan for spending money
"The second item on our agenda is the budget. We need to pay special attention to advertising, marketing and building our sales staff. Oh, and we need to significantly increase our budget for English teachers!"

calculate - calcular
"It's not hard to calculate - if we keep spending more money than we take in, we'll have to sell more!"

cancel - cancelar
"Before they cancel the order, find out what the problem is and fix it!"

capital - dinheiro
"If we had more capital to invest, we would build a new factory."

charge for - pedir dinheiro para pagamento
"We never charge for repairs. Making sure our products work is included in the purchase price."

 CEO - o chefão ca empresa
"How can we find a good CEO who knows how to run a business in today's business environment?"

CFO - o chefão da área financeira
"The CFO will be attending today's meeting to talk about fundamental accounting principles."

commission - comissão
"Our salespeople get 10% for each item sold, but that increases as he or she sells more."

competition - as outras empresas que produzem o mesmo material que o teu, competição
"We face tough competition, but our product has some important advantages."

consumption - a quantia total de produto colocado no mercado
"Although prices have fallen, overall consumption is higher, so we can still make money."

credit - crédito
"You can buy this product on credit. The payment will be due in 90 days."

 currency - o dinheiro de um país
"If you exhange currency in the airport, you'll pay a large commission. Go to a bank instead."

 deadline - tempo necessário para o projeto ser concluído
"We have to finish this by Friday. That's the final deadline."

demand - demanda, o desejo de consumir o produto
"Until demand increases, we won't sell many of our most expensive products."

discount - desconto
"If you buy more than 100 of these, we will give you a 10% discount".

 distribution - levando o produto para o consumidor final, ou cliente
"Our distribution system needs to be improved if we are to meet increased demand."

 diversify - Iniciar muitos novos negócios em vez de fazer apenas um, diversificar
"If we diversify, we can make more money, but sales of our main product may go down."

 economics - econimia
"If you want to succeed in business, you should study economics."

 employee - trabalhador
"Employees today need to learn so much to be able to move up in the company."

 employer - empregador
"My employer told me I have to work overtime or I'll lose my job!"

 estimate - suposição de quanto algo custará
"We estimate the new factory will cost less than 20 million euros."

 export - exportar
"As the local currency drops in value, our exports to that country also drop."

 extend - para dar mais, especialmente um empréstimo de dinheiro
"The bank said they cannot extend the deadline. We have to pay by Friday or face the consequences."

finance - o estudo financeiro, finanças
"After you study finance, you will know how to increase profits and limit losses."

 fund - fundo, fornecer dinheiro em geral
"The CFO said the company plans to fund 50% of the project. The rest will come from the government."

 gross - quantidade bruta de dinheiro recebido de vendas
"We took in more than $100 million in gross sales last year.

 import - importar
"When our currency is strong, we can import more goods into our own country."

 incentive -incentivo, preço especial para atriar clientes
"By offering a 15% discount as an incentive, we'll attract many new customers."

 income tax - imposto de renda-dinheiro pago ao governo, baseado no dinheiro total recebido
"I thought I made enough money last year, but after paying 25% income tax, I didn't have enough to buy that new house."

 inflation - inflação
"Rising energy prices have caused many other prices to increase. The rate of inflation has increased to 7%."

 install - instalar, colocar e preparar para uso, normalmente uma máquina
"If you buy now, we'll install this machine for free."

 interest - juros-extra dinheiro necessário para pagar de volta dinheiro emprestado
"When you pay back the 100,000 euros, you must also pay 10% interest, so the total will be 110,000 euros."

 inventory - inventário-itens não vendidos que você mantem para que você possa vendê-los no futuro
"Our inventory is very low right now. We have to increase build up our inventory to meet demand in the coming year.

 invest - spending money so that we can make more in the future
"If we invest so much money in a new factory, we won't have any money in our budget for new advertising."

 invoice - fatura-um documento que explica o que foi vendido e a que preços
"Look at the invoice. You charged us for repairs that you said were free!"

 leadership - liderança
"He has natural leadership skills, so he will surely be successful."

lend - emprestar
"When did you lend him the money? I lent it to him two months ago."

loss - perda-quando nós gastamos mais dinheiro do que nós recebemos de vender nosso produto
"We took a loss last year, but this year we are spending less and selling more."

lucrative - lucrativo
"This could be a very lucrative contract! Well make money for each sale as well as for each installation!"

maintain - manutenção, manter em boas condições
"If you maintain this product, it will last for years."

management - gestão-o estudo de como executar um negócio e liderar as pessoas
"I plan to study management before I open my own business."

memo - memorando
"The CFO read the CEO's memo at the meeting, to remind the employees of the company's strategic goals."

monopoly - monopolio
"With this new product, we can break our competitor's monopoly."

negotiate - negociar
"We negotiated for hours before they finally gave us a 20% discount."

net - a quantidade de dinheiro recebido de vendas, após as despesas serem subtraídas
"Our gross sales were very good, but we need to cut expenses to add to our net sales."

principal - principal-a parte principal de um empréstimo, antes que o juro seja adicionado
"We can pay back the pincipal in 10 years, then we will only have to repay the interest."

process (verb) - processar
"Please process his employement application, then send him to the accounting office."

profit - lucro
"Our profits are lower this year, but at least we're not losing money!"

quarter - trimestre
"Last quarter was our best ever, and I am confident next quarter will be even better."

recruit - recrutar, procurar trabalhadores
"We'll need to recruit new employees before the factory starts operation."

refund - devolução
"We cannot give you a refund after 90 days. Sorry!"

resign - demissão
"Nobody knows why the CFO quit, but some people say he didn't get along with the CEO."

retail - varejo
"The retail price is 150 euros, but you can buy it for less if you bargain."

retire - aposentar
"I've saved enough money for my retirement, but if I want to retire to Hawaii, I have to save even more!"

sales tax - imosto sobre vendas
"In most states in the U.S., sales tax is added on after the sale. It varies from state to state."

salary - salário
"We will have a salary increase of 7% this year, just enough to keep up with inflation."

saturated - saturado, muitas empresas no mercado
"The market for product A is already saturated. We need to diversify if we wish to increase our profits."

sluggish - quando o negócio é lento (oposto de  "Booming ")
"In this sluggish economy, the best we can hope for is to break even."

supply - fornecimento-a quantidade total de um produto disponível em um mercado
"The supply of computer parts is too high, so the price is falling fast."

target - a quantidade que você pretende vender em um mês (também  "quota ")
"The salesman reached his target by the 24th. He'll get a larger commission on any sales after that."

tariff - tarifa, taxa de impostos paghos a outro país
"If the government puts a tariff on electronic products, sales will fall."

terms -detalhes de um contrato, termos
"The terms of this contract are quite good. I think we have a deal!"

trend - tendência-movimento em um sentido, especial sobre o produto que torna-se cada vez mais popular
"The trend towards more colorful fashion is getting stronger. We need to develop new products."

unit cost - custo unitário-a quantidade média necessária para produzir um produto popular
"If we can produce more of these, our unit price will fall, and we'll be able to make a better profit."

warranty - garantia-uma promessa de que as coisas que você vende será de boa qualidade
"This product has a one-year warranty, but if you pay a small fee, we can extend it to five years."

wholesale - Venda por atacado-Venda para um vendedor que vai vender para o cliente final
"The wholesale price is generally 50% of the retail price."


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