Travel Lesson Plan

Work Tourism Rankings (Group Work)

Which 10 countries do you think ranked highest in the world tourism rankings? Try to guess with a partner. (Answers (from 2010) on the bottom of next page.)

The Foreign Visitor (Pair Work)

Option 1: A foreign VIP client of your company will visit from this Thursday to next Monday. Your boss has given you an unlimited budget to show your country to the client. Design the best itinerary you can for the visit.
Option 2: You met some friendly aliens on a recent space flight. You invited them to visit Earth sometime. Yesterday, they contacted you. They’d like you to give them a 5-day tour of your planet. Design the best itinerary you can. (Transportation will not be a problem as you can use their spacecraft.)

Role-play #1

Student A:You want to take your wife/husband on a trip this weekend. First, decide where you want to go. Then, phone your travel agent to reserve a plane ticket and hotel. Also, ask for recommendations of things to do there.
Student B:
You are a travel agent. Student A will soon phone you. Try to sell him/her one of the below travel packages. (He/she will tell you the destination.)
Option 1: round-trip, first class, $950. Hotel: Hilton, $250/night, *****
Option 2: round-trip, economy class, $310. Hotel: Doug’s Inn, $99/night, ***

Role-play #2

Student A:You have just arrived at your hotel. Go to reception. Tell them you: 1) you have a reservation, 2) you want breakfast in the morning, and 3) you need to be woken up at 7am.
Student B:You are a hotel receptionist. Welcome the guest to your hotel. Kindly tell him/her that there is a problem: you cannot find his/her reservation because of a computer system problem.

Discussion Questions

1)     Problems: What problems do tourists commonly have? What problems have you had when traveling?
2)     Airlines: Which do you prefer and which do you avoid?
3)     Nationalities: who are the best and worst tourists?
4)     What is the stereotype of people from your country?
5)     UNESCO: What UNESCO sites does your country have?
6)     “When in Rome do as the Romans do” ß do you believe in this saying?
7)     Cuisine: What unusual things have you eaten abroad?


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