Phrasal Verb - To move
Move in significa mudar-se para uma nova casa, escritório: Happy English moved in to this space three years ago. Jack found a new apartment. He’s going to move in on May 1 st . You can move in once you pay the first month’s rent. De maneira similar, usamos move in with para mostrar que alguém está compartilhando o local com alguém Lori moved in with her boyfriend last summer. Her parents didn’t agree with her moving in with him because they are not married. Danny moved in with his brother when he left his wife. O oposto de move in é move out , com o significado de parar de estar estalado, ou morando em algum lugar. Serena said she wants to move out from her parent’s house after college. If you don’t like your roommate that much, you should move out . Jim’s company finally...