Vocabulário Inglês: Família e Relacionamentos

Family and RelationshipsHere are some expressions commonly used in discussing Family and Relationships matters

aunt - the sister of someone´s father or mother, or the wife of someone´s uncle - tia
cousin - a child of a person´s aunt or uncle - primo, prima
daughter - your female child - filha
daughter-in-law - your son´s wife - enteada
ex-husband - a man who was formerly a certain woman´s husband - ex-marido
ex-wife - a woman who was formerly a particular man´s wife - ex-esposa
father - a male parent - pai
father-in-law - the father of the person you are married to - sogro
first cousin - the child of one's aunt or uncle filho unico da sua tia ou tio
first cousin once removed - your mother's first cousin; the words "once removed" mean that there is a difference of one generation - é o sobrinho também. A expressão once removed significa a diferença de uma geração
foster parent - a person who acts as parent and guardian for a child in place of the child´s natural parents but without legally adopting the child - a pessoa que tem a guarda no lugar dos pais, mas sem a adoção legal. Em português, pais de criação
foster-child - a child who is raised by foster parents - a criança que vive com os foster parents". Em português, filho de criação
godparent - a person who agrees to take care of a child if something were to happen to their parents or guardians - padrinho ou madrinha
grandchild - the child of a person´s son or daughter - neto ou neta
granddaughter - the daughter of a person´s son or daughter - neta
grandson - the son of a person´s son or daughter - neto
great grandchild - a child of your grandson or granddaughter - bisnetos ou bisnetas
husband - a married man; a woman´s partner in marriage, hubby - marido
in-law - relative by marriage - parente do seu conjuge
mother - a woman who has given birth to a child; female parent - mãe
nephew - a son of your brother or sister - sobrinho
niece - a daughter of your brother or sister - sobrinha
parent - a father or mother - pais
second cousin - person in your family who has the same great-grandparents as you - primos de primeiro grau
sister - a girl or woman who has the same parents as another person - irmã
son - a male child - filho
son-in-law - the husband of your daughter - cunhado
step-parent - the man or woman who is married to someone´s mother or father but who is not their real father or mother - madrasta ou padrasto
twin - either of two offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy - gêmeos
uncle - the brother of your father or mother; the husband of your aunt - tio
widow - a woman whose husband is dead especially one who has not remarried - viúva
widower - a man whose wife is dead especially one who has not remarried - viúvo
wife - a man´s partner in marriage - esposa


divorced - married in the past but not now married - divorciado

divorcee - someone who is divorced and who has not married again - divorciado (a)

engaged - having formally agreed to marry - noivo

separated - living apart but not divorced - separado

single - not married, or not having a romantic relationship with someone - solteiro

widowed - describes a person whose husband or wife has died (viuvo)


get divorced from - se divorciar
get engaged to - noivar
get married to - casar
get on well with somebody - ficar
marry someone - casar
start a relationship with someone - iniciar um relacionamento com alguém
end a relationship with someone - Terminar um relacionamento com alguém

Practise vocabulary: http://www.word-power.us/english-Family+and+Relationships-36.php


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