
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2014

Palavras que se confundem em inglês: Factory x Fabric

Confusing words Read the task below and click on a link which you think is the correct answer. Factory FACTORY  => um lugar onde se fabricam coisas em grande quantidade Examples: Most modern  factories  have large warehouses. The new  factory  will provide employment for over 2500 people. Industrial robots on the  factory  floor were introduced in the late 1970s. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FABRIC  = tecido  CLOTH = pano Fabric Examples: Man-made  fabrics  have come in and out of fashion in different eras. As palavras "fabric" e "cloth" são usadas em corte e costura como sinônimos de têxtil. A factory of fabric Agora vá para este link e pratique o que aprendeu: Do the exercise

"Will" para falar sobre comportamento

Quando você quer falar sobre comportamento ou características de comportamento, você pode usar   will . A baby bird will leave its nest when it is able to fly. A dog will wag its tail when it is happy. A car will not stop as well in the rain as it will on a sunny day. Ice will melt if the temperature rises. Quando você quer falar sobre comportamento ou características de comportamento no passado, você pode usar  would . Before the invention of television, people would listen to radio dramas for entertainment. My grandfather would always tell us stories of his life as a boy in Italy. No matter what the occasion, my grandmother would never drink alcohol. When ever I needed help with my math homework, my mother would help me.

Verbos Irregulares em Inglês

Embora os verbos irregulares se constituam numa pequena minoria em relação a todos os verbos existentes na língua, a frequência com que ocorrem é muito alta, o que lhes dá uma importância significativa. São todos de origem anglo-saxônica e se referem predominantemente a ações comuns. Os verbos irregulares do inglês são aqueles verbos que não seguem a regra geral de formação do Passado e do Particípio Passado. A formação do  Past  e do  Past Participle,  de acordo com a regra geral, que se aplica a todos os demais verbos, se dá através do sufixo  - ed . Portanto, todo verbo que não seguir este padrão, será classificado de irregular. Abaixo vai uma lista de Verbos Irregulares e depois exercicios e  games para treinar: Exercícios on line:

Vocabulário Inglês: Família e Relacionamentos

Family and Relationships Here are some expressions commonly used in discussing Family and Relationships matters aunt - the sister of someone´s father or mother, or the wife of someone´s uncle - tia cousin - a child of a person´s aunt or uncle - primo, prima daughter - your female child - filha daughter-in-law - your son´s wife - enteada ex-husband - a man who was formerly a certain woman´s husband - ex-marido ex-wife - a woman who was formerly a particular man´s wife - ex-esposa father - a male parent - pai father-in-law - the father of the person you are married to - sogro first cousin - the child of one's aunt or uncle filho unico da sua tia ou tio first cousin once removed - your mother's first cousin; the words "once removed" mean that there is a difference of one generation - é o sobrinho também. A expressão once removed significa a diferença de uma geração foster parent - a person who acts as parent and guardian for a child in place of the...

Reading: The doll and the rose

Reading Comprehension Worksheet Read the passage. Then answer each question. A story of love that will touch your heart and bring a tear to your eye. I was walking around in a store. I saw a cashier hand this little boy his money back saying "I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll." Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him: ''Granny, are you sure I don't have enough money?'' The old lady replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.'' Then she asked him to stay there for 5 minutes while she went to look around. She left quickly. The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand. Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to. "It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for this Christmas. She was so sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her." I replied to him that m...

Christmas Idiomas and Sayings

cancel  someone's  Christmas  Sl.   to   kill   someone;   to   destroy   someone.   (Underworld   or   jocular;   the   idea   is   that   the   dead   person   will   not   live   until   Christmas.)   If   he keeps   bugging   me,   I'm   gonna   cancel   his   Christmas.   Willie   threatened   to   cancel   Richard's   Christmas   if   Richard   didn't   pay   up. See   also:   cancel Christmas comes but once a year. Prov.   Since   Christmas   only   happens   once   a   year,   we   should   treat   it   as   a   special   time   by   being   good   to   others   or   by   indulging   children. Christmas   comes  ...


Stop + gerundio (stop doing)  &  stop + an infinitivo (stop to do)  tem uso e sentidos totalmente diferentes.  Exemplos:  Stop seguido por gerúndio (verb -ing): I stopped smoking when I was in my mid-twenties. (Eu parei de fumar quando eu tinha meus vinte e poucos anos) My doctor recently told me I should stop drinking coffee. ( Meu médico disse-me recentemente que eu deveria parar de beber café.) I stopped working at 8pm last night. (Eu parei de trabalhar às 8h na noite passada.) Joe stopped playing X-BOX after 10 hours! (Joe parou de jogat X-Box depois de 10 horas.) Stop seguido por infinitivo (to + verb): She stopped to smoke. (Ela parou para fumar) This morning in the office, I stopped to call my sister. (Esta manha no serviço, Eu parei para telefonat para minha irmã.) I often stop to have a coffee during the day. (Eu sempre para para tomar um café durante o dia.) During the drive to Boston, I stopped to have lunch. (Durante a viagem ...