20 expressões úteis para se usar no "Business English"
01. level playing field - condições iguais para todos, quer sejam pessoas ou grupos Example: "The WTO agreement helps to level the playing field, which gives us the chance to compete anywhere in the world." 02. the lion's share - a parte maior, a melhor fatia, a parte do leão Example: "If we want the lion's share of the profit, we'll have to do the lion's share of the work." 03. number crunching - analisar os números Example: "I'll go back to my office and do some number crunching, then tell you the results tomorrow." 04. pipe dream - sonhar com algo impossível Example: "Do you think we can really live on the moon some day, or is it just a pipe dream?" 25. play hardball - negóciar de uma forma difícil Example: "If he tries to block this deal in any way, we'll just have to start playing hardball." 26. power lunch - fechar negocios durante o horário do almoço Example: "The