Color Idioms and Expressions

Idioms and expressions with the word "black"

1. "Black and white" - Something that is clear, straightforward, or without ambiguity.

   - Example: "The rules of the game are black and white; there's no room for interpretation."

   - Translation: "Preto no branco; algo claro ou sem ambiguidade."

2. "Black sheep" - A person who is considered a disgrace or an outsider within a group or family.

   - Example: "Among his successful siblings, John was always the black sheep of the family."

   - Translation: "Ovelha negra; uma pessoa considerada uma desgraça ou outsider dentro de um grupo ou família."

3. "Blackout" - A period when all lights are turned off, or a loss of electricity.

   - Example: "The storm caused a blackout in the entire neighbourhood."

   - Translation: "Apagão; um período em que todas as luzes são apagadas, ou uma perda de eletricidade."

4. "Blackmail" - The act of demanding money or something else of value from someone by threatening them with revealing information.

   - Example: "He was arrested for attempting to blackmail his former employer."

   - Translation: "Chantagem; o ato de exigir dinheiro ou algo de valor de alguém ameaçando-os com informações reveladoras."

5. "Blacklist" - A list of people or things that are regarded as unacceptable or untrustworthy and are therefore excluded from certain activities or privileges.

   - Example: "He was put on the company's blacklist after he was caught stealing."

   - Translation: "Lista negra; uma lista de pessoas ou coisas consideradas inaceitáveis ou não confiáveis e, portanto, excluídas de certas atividades ou privilégios."

6. "Black market" - An illegal trade in goods or services that are not readily available in the regular market.

   - Example: "During the war, many essential goods were sold on the black market."

   - Translation: "Mercado negro; um comércio ilegal de bens ou serviços que não estão prontamente disponíveis no mercado regular."

Idioms and expressions with the word "white":

1. "White lie" - A harmless or small lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings or to avoid trouble.

   - Example: "She told her friend a white lie about liking her new haircut."

   - Translation: "Mentira piedosa; uma mentira inofensiva ou pequena contada para evitar magoar os sentimentos de alguém ou para evitar problemas."

2. "White as a sheet" - To be extremely pale, usually due to fear, shock, or illness.

   - Example: "When she heard the news, she turned as white as a sheet."

   - Translation: "Branco como um lençol; estar extremamente pálido, geralmente devido ao medo, choque ou doença."

3. "White-collar" - Relating to office work or jobs that are not manual labor, typically performed in an office or professional environment.

   - Example: "He has a white-collar job as a financial analyst."

   - Translation: "Colarinho branco; relacionado ao trabalho de escritório ou empregos que não são trabalho manual, geralmente realizados em um ambiente de escritório ou profissional."

4. "White flag" - A flag or signal of surrender or truce.

   - Example: "After hours of negotiation, they raised the white flag, signaling an end to the conflict."

   - Translation: "Bandeira branca; uma bandeira ou sinal de rendição ou trégua."

5. "White-knuckle" - Refers to a situation or experience that is extremely tense, frightening, or nerve-wracking.

   - Example: "Driving through the storm was a white-knuckle experience."

   - Translation: "Brancos-nos-de-dentes; refere-se a uma situação ou experiência extremamente tensa, assustadora ou nervosa."

6. "White elephant" - Refers to something that is expensive and burdensome to maintain or possess, often more trouble than it's worth.

   - Example: "The old mansion became a white elephant for the owner, as it required constant repairs."

   - Translation: "Elefante branco; refere-se a algo que é caro e difícil de manter ou possuir, muitas vezes mais problema do que vale a pena."

Idioms and expressions with the word "red":

1. "To see red" - To become extremely angry or enraged.

   - Example: "When he insulted her, she saw red and couldn't control her anger."

   - Translation: "Ver vermelho; ficar extremamente irritado ou enfurecido."

2. "In the red" - Refers to being in debt or having negative financial balances.

   - Example: "After the unexpected expenses, our budget was in the red for the month."

   - Translation: "No vermelho; estar endividado ou ter saldos financeiros negativos."

3. "Red-handed" - Caught in the act of doing something wrong or illegal.

   - Example: "The thief was caught red-handed stealing from the store."

   - Translation: "Em flagrante; pego no ato de fazer algo errado ou ilegal."

4. "Paint the town red" - To go out and have a great time, often involving partying and celebration.

   - Example: "It's my birthday tomorrow, and I plan to paint the town red!"

   - Translation: "Pintar a cidade de vermelho; sair e se divertir intensamente, muitas vezes envolvendo festas e celebrações."

5. "Red tape" - Refers to bureaucratic procedures and regulations that are overly complex and time-consuming.

   - Example: "The project was delayed due to all the red tape involved in obtaining permits."

   - Translation: "Burocracia; refere-se a procedimentos e regulamentações burocráticas que são excessivamente complexos e demorados."

6. "Caught red-handed" - To be caught in the act of committing a crime or wrongdoing.

   - Example: "The children were caught red-handed eating cookies before dinner."

   - Translation: "Pego em flagrante; ser pego no ato de cometer um crime ou erro."

Idioms and expressions with the word "blue":

1. "To feel blue" - To feel sad or melancholic.

   - Example: "Ever since she lost her job, she's been feeling blue."

   - Translation: "Sentir-se triste; sentir-se triste ou melancólico."

2. "Out of the blue" - Suddenly and unexpectedly.

   - Example: "He received a job offer out of the blue."

   - Translation: "Do nada; de repente e inesperadamente."

3. "Once in a blue moon" - Very rarely, almost never.

   - Example: "She goes out for dinner with her old friends once in a blue moon."

   - Translation: "De vez em quando; muito raramente, quase nunca."

4. "Between the devil and the deep blue sea" - Facing two equally difficult or dangerous alternatives.

   - Example: "He was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, having to choose between losing his job or working long hours."

   - Translation: "Entre a cruz e a espada; enfrentar duas alternativas igualmente difíceis ou perigosas."

5. "To have the blues" - To feel down or depressed.

   - Example: "After the breakup, she had the blues for weeks."

   - Translation: "Estar deprimido; sentir-se para baixo ou deprimido."

6. "Blue in the face" - To be exhausted from trying to persuade or convince someone.

   - Example: "I argued with him until I was blue in the face, but he still wouldn't listen."

   - Translation: "Até cansar; estar exausto de tentar persuadir ou convencer alguém."

Idioms and expressions with the word "yellow":

1. "Yellow-bellied" - Cowardly or lacking courage.

   - Example: "He called his opponent yellow-bellied for refusing to confront the issue."

   - Translation: "Amarelo, covarde; covarde ou sem coragem."

2. "Yellow journalism" - Sensationalized or biased reporting in the media.

   - Example: "The tabloid newspaper is known for its yellow journalism."

   - Translation: "Jornalismo sensacionalista; reportagem sensacionalizada ou tendenciosa na mídia."

3. "Yellow flag" - A warning or signal of caution, often used in sports.

   - Example: "The referee raised the yellow flag to indicate a foul."

   - Translation: "Bandeira amarela; um aviso ou sinal de precaução, frequentemente usado em esportes."

4. "Yellow fever" - An intense or irrational obsession or attraction, often used in the context of romantic interest.

   - Example: "She has a serious case of yellow fever; she's only interested in dating Asian men."

   - Translation: "Febre amarela; uma obsessão ou atração intensa ou irracional, frequentemente usada no contexto de interesse romântico."

5. "Yellow streak" - A cowardly or timid disposition.

   - Example: "His friends accused him of having a yellow streak when he refused to confront the bully."

   - Translation: "Covardia; uma disposição covarde ou tímida."

Here are the idioms and expressions with various colors:

1. "Green with envy" - Extremely jealous.

   - Example: "She was green with envy when she saw her friend's new car."

   - Translation: "Extremely jealous; ela estava extremamente invejosa quando viu o carro novo de sua amiga."

2. "In the pink" - To be in good health or in good condition.

   - Example: "After recovering from the flu, she's back in the pink."

   - Translation: "In good health; depois de se recuperar da gripe, ela está de volta à boa saúde."

3. "Grey area" - An area lacking clarity or definition, often morally ambiguous.

   - Example: "The legality of the contract fell into a grey area."

   - Translation: "Morally ambiguous; a legalidade do contrato caiu em uma área cinzenta."

4. "Purple prose" - Writing that is overly extravagant or flowery.

   - Example: "The novel was criticized for its purple prose."

   - Translation: "Overly extravagant writing; o romance foi criticado por sua prosa excessivamente extravagante."

5. "Brown-nose" - To excessively flatter or suck up to someone.

   - Example: "He's always brown-nosing the boss to get ahead."

   - Translation: "Excessively flattering; ele está sempre bajulando o chefe para sair na frente."


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