English for Aircraft Maintenance - Present Perfect I

1. Introdução

Objetivo: Apresentar o tema da aula e destacar a importância do Present Perfect na comunicação relacionada à manutenção de aeronaves.


1. Cumprimente os alunos e crie um ambiente amigável e acolhedor na sala de aula.

2. Inicie a aula com uma breve introdução ao tópico:

"Today, we will learn about an important English verb tense called Present Perfect. Present Perfect is widely used in the aviation industry, especially in aircraft maintenance, to report past actions that are relevant in the present."


3. Agora vou te Apresentar alguns cenários de uso do Present Perfect na manutenção de aeronaves

"Today, we will learn about an important English verb tense called Present Perfect. Present Perfect is widely used in the aviation industry, especially in aircraft maintenance, to report past actions that are relevant in the present."


4. Destaque a importância de se comunicar efetivamente em inglês na indústria da aviação:

"Aviation is a global industry, and effective communication in English is essential to ensure the safety and efficiency of operations. Therefore, learning to use the Present Perfect appropriately is fundamental."


5. Estabeleça os objetivos da aula:

"Our goal today is to understand what Present Perfect is, how it is structured, and when to use it in aircraft maintenance. We will begin with a theoretical explanation, followed by practical activities to reinforce what we have learned."


6. Conclua a introdução e deixe claro que a aula está pronta para começar.

"Let's begin our learning journey about Present Perfect in aircraft maintenance. We will dive into the theory and then practice together. Feel free to ask questions throughout the class. Let's get started!"

Esta parte da lição estabelece o contexto e motiva os alunos a compreender a importância do Present Perfect na indústria da aviação, preparando-os para as partes teóricas e práticas que virão a seguir.


2: Explicação Teórica

Objetivo:  Explicar o que é o Present Perfect, suas características e como ele é usado na comunicação relacionada à manutenção de aeronaves.


1. Apresentação das características do Present Perfect (5 minutos):

   - Comece explicando as características essenciais do Present Perfect:

- "O Present Perfect é um tempo verbal que expressa uma conexão entre o passado e o presente. É formado pelo uso do auxiliar 'have' (ou 'has', dependendo da pessoa) e o particípio passado do verbo principal."

- "The Present Perfect is a verb tense that expresses a connection between the past and the present. It is formed by using the auxiliary 'have' (or 'has,' depending on the person) and the past participle of the main verb."


2. Estrutura do Present Perfect (5 minutos):

   - Mostre a estrutura básica do Present Perfect usando exemplos:

- "A estrutura geral do Present Perfect é: [SUJEITO] + [HAVE (ou HAS)] + [VERBO NO PARTICÍPIO PASSADO]. Por exemplo: 'I have repaired the engine.'"

"The general structure of the Present Perfect is: [SUBJECT] + [HAVE (or HAS)] + [VERB IN THE PAST PARTICIPLE]. For example: 'I have repaired the engine.'"

  - Ilustre com exemplos relacionados à manutenção de aeronaves, como "The maintenance team has inspected the aircraft."


3. Uso do Present Perfect na manutenção de aeronaves (5 minutos):

   - Explique quando e por que o Present Perfect é usado na indústria da aviação, destacando a relevância das ações passadas para o estado atual da aeronave:

- "Na manutenção de aeronaves, usamos o Present Perfect para relatar ações passadas que têm importância no presente. Por exemplo, ao preencher registros de manutenção, descrever inspeções recentes ou relatar reparos feitos, é crucial usar o Present Perfect para indicar a continuidade dessas ações."

"In aircraft maintenance, we use the Present Perfect to report past actions that have relevance in the present. For example, when filling out maintenance records, describing recent inspections, or reporting repairs made, it is crucial to use the Present Perfect to indicate the continuity of these actions."


4. Resumo da parte teórica:

   - Recapitule os principais pontos da explicação teórica:

     - "Para resumir, o Present Perfect é usado para conectar ações passadas ao presente, e isso é fundamental na comunicação da manutenção de aeronaves. Agora, vamos passar para a prática para consolidar nosso conhecimento."

"In summary, the Present Perfect is used to connect past actions to the present, and this is crucial in aircraft maintenance communication. Now, let's move on to the practice to consolidate our knowledge."


Esta parte da aula fornece uma base sólida sobre o Present Perfect, explicando sua estrutura e mostrando como ele é relevante na manutenção de aeronaves. Isso prepara os alunos para as atividades práticas que virão na próxima parte do plano de aula.


5 Estrutura

- "O Present Perfect é um tempo verbal que expressa uma conexão entre o passado e o presente. Ele é formado pelo uso do auxiliar 'have' (ou 'has', dependendo da pessoa) e o particípio passado do verbo principal."

"The Present Perfect is a verb tense that expresses a connection between the past and the present. It is formed by using the auxiliary 'have' (or 'has,' depending on the person) and the past participle of the main verb."


6. Estrutura do Present Perfect (5 minutos):

     - Affirmative:

       - "I have repaired the engine." (Eu reparei o motor.)

     - Negative:

       - "They have not completed the inspection yet." (Eles ainda não concluíram a inspeção.)

     - Interrogative:

       - "Have you checked the landing gear?" (Você verificou o trem de pouso?)


6. Uso do Present Perfect na manutenção de aeronaves

   - Explique quando e por que o Present Perfect é usado na indústria da aviação, destacando a relevância das ações passadas para o estado atual da aeronave:

- "Na manutenção de aeronaves, usamos o Present Perfect para relatar ações passadas que têm importância no presente. Isso é essencial para documentar a manutenção e garantir a segurança das operações."

"In aircraft maintenance, we use the Present Perfect to report past actions that are relevant in the present. This is essential for documenting maintenance and ensuring the safety of operations."


4. Question Words (5 minutos):

   - Introduza o uso de question words no Present Perfect para fazer perguntas mais elaboradas:

"To ask questions in the Present Perfect, we use question words such as 'what,' 'where,' 'how,' 'why,' and 'when.' For example:"

       - "What have you inspected?"

       - "Where has the maintenance crew worked?"

       - "Why haven't they finished the repairs yet?"

       - "How have you ensured the aircraft's safety?"


5. Resumo da parte teórica:

   - Recapitule os principais pontos da explicação teórica e forneça exemplos claros em afirmativas, negativas, interrogativas e com question words:

 - Para resumir, o Present Perfect é usado para conectar ações passadas ao presente, sendo fundamental na comunicação da manutenção de aeronaves. Agora, vamos passar para a prática para consolidar nosso conhecimento.

"In summary, the Present Perfect is used to connect past actions to the present, and it is crucial in aircraft maintenance communication. Now, let's move on to the practice to consolidate our knowledge."


Write a paragraph describing a relevant experience in aircraft maintenance using the Present Perfect.



A.   Complete the sentences with the verb in the Present Perfect affirmative form.


1. The maintenance team _______________ (inspect) the aircraft thoroughly.

2. I _______________ (complete) the checklist for the engine.

3. The mechanics _______________ (fix) the hydraulic system.

4. She _______________ (not check) the landing gear yet.

5. The engineers _______________ (work) on the avionics for several hours.

6. Our team _______________ (not finish) the repairs.


B.   Complete the sentences with the verb in the Present Perfect negative form.


1. The pilot _______________ (not start) the engine yet.

2. They _______________ (not complete) the scheduled maintenance.

3. The technicians _______________ (not inspect) the fuel system.

4. She _______________ (not find) the source of the electrical issue.

5. The ground crew _______________ (not finish) the pre-flight checks.


C.   Complete the sentences with the verb in the Present Perfect interrogative form.


1. The team has repaired the engine.

2. I have checked the safety features.

3. The mechanics have inspected the landing gear.

4. She has not completed the checklist.

5. They have worked on the avionics.

6. The technicians have fixed the communication system.


D.   Use question words to create questions in the Present Perfect.


1. _______________ (What / you / do) to ensure the aircraft's safety?

2. _______________ (How / they / inspect) the engine?

3. _______________ (Why / the crew / not complete) the maintenance tasks?

4. _______________ (Where / she / work) on the aircraft?

5. _______________ (When / the technicians / fix) the navigation system?

6. _______________ (What / you / check) during the last inspection?


E.   Choose one of these scenarios and complete the task.

Scenario 1: You are responsible for the maintenance of an aircraft that is about to depart. Report the maintenance actions that have been completed.

Scenario 2: A colleague at work asks you what you have done in the last inspection. Respond using the Present Perfect.





1. The maintenance team has inspected the aircraft thoroughly.

2. I have completed the checklist for the engine.

3. The mechanics have fixed the hydraulic system.

4. She has not checked the landing gear yet.

5. The engineers have worked on the avionics for several hours.

6. Our team has not finished the repairs.



1. The pilot has not started the engine yet.

2. They have not completed the scheduled maintenance.

3. The technicians have not inspected the fuel system.

4. She has not found the source of the electrical issue.

5. The ground crew has not finished the pre-flight checks.



1. Has the team repaired the engine?

2. Have I checked the safety features?

3. Have the mechanics inspected the landing gear?

4. Has she completed the checklist?

5. Have they worked on the avionics?

6. Have the technicians fixed the communication system?



1. What have you done to ensure the aircraft's safety?

2. How have they inspected the engine?

3. Why have the crew not completed the maintenance tasks?

4. Where has she worked on the aircraft?

5. When have the technicians fixed the navigation system?

6. What have you checked during the last inspection?


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