Plano de Aula Business English: Adjectives

Plano de aula - Nível intermediário - 45 minutos

Tópico: Adjetivos em Business English


- Introduzir e praticar o uso de adjetivos comuns em contextos de negócios em inglês.

- Explorar a importância dos adjetivos na comunicação empresarial.

- Desenvolver habilidades de vocabulário e conversação relacionadas a negócios.


1. Introdução (5 minutos):

   a. Cumprimente os alunos e explique o objetivo da aula.

   b. Faça uma breve revisão sobre o que são adjetivos e sua função na língua inglesa.

Em Business English, os adjetivos são palavras que descrevem características, qualidades ou atributos de pessoas, produtos, serviços ou situações relacionadas aos negócios. Eles desempenham um papel essencial na comunicação empresarial, pois ajudam a transmitir informações precisas, enfatizar pontos fortes, diferenciar produtos e serviços e influenciar a percepção dos interlocutores.

(In Business English, adjectives are words that describe characteristics, qualities, or attributes of people, products, services, or business-related situations. They play an essential role in business communication as they help convey accurate information, emphasize strengths, differentiate products and services, and influence the perception of the interlocutors.)

A função dos adjetivos em Business English é fornecer detalhes e precisão na descrição de pessoas, produtos, serviços, empresas, estratégias, entre outros elementos relacionados aos negócios. Eles ajudam a transmitir uma imagem positiva, persuadir, convencer e estabelecer uma comunicação eficaz no ambiente empresarial.

(The function of adjectives in Business English is to provide details and precision in describing people, products, services, companies, strategies, and other business-related elements. They help convey a positive image, persuade, convince, and establish effective communication in the business environment.)

Ao utilizar adjetivos em Business English, é possível transmitir uma mensagem mais clara e impactante. Por exemplo, ao descrever um produto, um adjetivo como "inovador" pode destacar sua característica única e tecnológica. Da mesma forma, ao descrever uma empresa, o adjetivo "confiável" pode transmitir segurança e credibilidade aos clientes.

(By using adjectives in Business English, it is possible to convey a clearer and more impactful message. For example, when describing a product, an adjective like "innovative" can highlight its unique and technological feature. Similarly, when describing a company, the adjective "reliable" can convey security and credibility to customers.)

Além disso, os adjetivos em Business English podem ser usados para diferenciar produtos ou serviços em um mercado competitivo. Por exemplo, ao comparar dois produtos, um adjetivo como "premium" pode indicar uma qualidade superior e justificar um preço mais elevado.

(Furthermore, adjectives in Business English can be used to differentiate products or services in a competitive market. For instance, when comparing two products, an adjective like "premium" can indicate superior quality and justify a higher price.)

Os adjetivos em Business English também são fundamentais para descrever habilidades e competências profissionais. Ao se referir a um profissional, adjetivos como "profissional", "eficiente" e "competente" podem transmitir confiança e destacar suas qualidades e capacidades.

(Adjectives in Business English are also crucial for describing professional skills and competencies. When referring to a professional, adjectives like "professional," "efficient," and "competent" can convey confidence and highlight their qualities and abilities.)

Em resumo, os adjetivos desempenham um papel crucial na linguagem de negócios, permitindo uma comunicação mais precisa, persuasiva e impactante. Eles ajudam a transmitir informações relevantes, destacar pontos fortes e estabelecer uma imagem positiva tanto para indivíduos quanto para empresas no contexto empresarial.

(In summary, adjectives play a crucial role in the language of business, enabling more precise, persuasive, and impactful communication. They help convey relevant information, highlight strengths, and establish a positive image for both individuals and companies in the business context.)


   c. Mencione a importância dos adjetivos no contexto empresarial e como eles podem melhorar a comunicação eficaz.

Os adjetivos em inglês desempenham um papel de extrema importância no contexto empresarial, pois ajudam a melhorar a comunicação eficaz de várias maneiras:

Adjectives in English play an extremely important role in the business context as they help enhance effective communication in several ways:

1. Precisão e descrição: Os adjetivos fornecem detalhes específicos e descritivos sobre pessoas, produtos, serviços, empresas e situações empresariais. Eles ajudam a transmitir informações de forma mais precisa e clara, permitindo que as mensagens sejam compreendidas com maior exatidão.

1. Precision and description: Adjectives provide specific and descriptive details about people, products, services, companies, and business situations. They help convey information in a more precise and clear manner, allowing messages to be understood more accurately.


2. Persuasão e impacto: O uso adequado de adjetivos pode influenciar a percepção e persuadir os interlocutores. Adjetivos positivos e fortes podem destacar as qualidades e benefícios de um produto, serviço ou empresa, criando uma impressão positiva e aumentando a probabilidade de persuasão e venda.

2. Persuasion and impact: The appropriate use of adjectives can influence perception and persuade the interlocutors. Positive and strong adjectives can highlight the qualities and benefits of a product, service, or company, creating a positive impression and increasing the likelihood of persuasion and sales.


3. Diferenciação: No mercado empresarial competitivo, os adjetivos desempenham um papel crucial na diferenciação de produtos e serviços. Ao escolher adjetivos que ressaltem características únicas, superiores ou inovadoras, as empresas podem destacar-se da concorrência e atrair a atenção dos clientes.

3. Differentiation: In the competitive business market, adjectives play a crucial role in differentiating products and services. By choosing adjectives that emphasize unique, superior, or innovative features, companies can stand out from the competition and attract customer attention.


4. Estabelecimento de imagem: Os adjetivos contribuem para a formação da imagem de uma empresa ou indivíduo. O uso consistente de adjetivos que transmitam profissionalismo, confiabilidade, eficiência e outras qualidades desejáveis cria uma imagem positiva e confiável no mercado empresarial.

4. Image establishment: Adjectives contribute to the formation of a company's or individual's image. The consistent use of adjectives that convey professionalism, reliability, efficiency, and other desirable qualities creates a positive and trustworthy image in the business market.


5. Comunicação efetiva: Ao usar adjetivos adequados, a comunicação empresarial se torna mais eficaz. Os adjetivos ajudam a transmitir mensagens de forma clara, concisa e impactante, capturando a atenção do público-alvo e facilitando a compreensão das informações transmitidas.

5. Effective communication: Using appropriate adjectives makes business communication more effective. Adjectives help convey messages clearly, concisely, and impactfully, capturing the attention of the target audience and facilitating understanding of the information conveyed.


Em suma, os adjetivos em inglês desempenham um papel crucial na comunicação empresarial, permitindo uma comunicação mais precisa, persuasiva e impactante. Eles ajudam a transmitir informações relevantes, destacar pontos fortes e estabelecer uma imagem positiva tanto para indivíduos quanto para empresas no contexto empresarial.

In summary, adjectives in English play a crucial role in business communication, enabling more precise, persuasive, and impactful communication. They help convey relevant information, highlight strengths, and establish a positive image for both individuals and companies in the business context.


2. Apresentação dos principais adjetivos em Business English (15 minutos):

   a. Liste uma seleção de adjetivos comumente usados em situações de negócios, como:

      - Efficient (eficiente)

      - Effective (efetivo)

      - Professional (profissional)

      - Innovative (inovador)

      - Reliable (confiável)

      - Competitive (competitivo)

      - Strategic (estratégico)

      - Successful (bem-sucedido)

      - Profitable (lucrativo)

   b. Explique brevemente o significado de cada adjetivo e forneça exemplos de uso.

- Effective (efetivo):

   - "Our new marketing campaign was highly effective in increasing sales."

   - "The team implemented effective cost-cutting measures to improve profitability."


- Professional (profissional):

   - "We pride ourselves on providing professional customer service to our clients."

   - "She is a highly professional and reliable project manager."


- Innovative (inovador):

   - "Our company is known for its innovative approach to product development."

   - "They introduced an innovative solution to streamline our workflow."


- Reliable (confiável):

   - "Our suppliers are reliable and always deliver on time."

   - "Customers trust our brand because we have a reliable track record."


- Competitive (competitivo):

   - "We need to stay ahead of our competitors by offering competitive prices."

   - "The company invested in research and development to maintain a competitive edge."


- Strategic (estratégico):

   - "We need to develop a strategic plan to enter new markets."

   - "The CEO made strategic decisions that led to significant company growth."


- Successful (bem-sucedido):

   - "The launch of our new product was highly successful, exceeding sales targets."

   - "He has a track record of successful business ventures."


- Profitable (lucrativo):

   - "The company implemented a new pricing strategy that resulted in higher profitability."

   - "Investing in the stock market can be highly profitable if done wisely."


Remember, these are just a few examples of how these adjectives can be used in business English. The context and specific usage may vary depending on the situation.

   c. Encoraje os alunos a fazerem perguntas e a compartilharem exemplos de uso dos adjetivos.


3. Atividade de vocabulário (15 minutos):

   a. Divida a turma em pares ou pequenos grupos.

   b. Distribua folhas de atividades com exercícios de correspondência, onde os alunos devem relacionar adjetivos com suas definições ou exemplos adequados.

   c. Peça aos alunos para discutirem as respostas em seus grupos.

   d. Após a conclusão dos exercícios, reveja as respostas corretas com toda a turma.


4. Discussão em grupo (5 minutos):

   a. Inicie uma discussão em grupo sobre a importância dos adjetivos no mundo dos negócios.

   b. Faça perguntas aos alunos, como:

      - Como os adjetivos podem influenciar a percepção de uma empresa ou produto?

      - Quais adjetivos você considera mais relevantes em diferentes setores de negócios?

      - Como os adjetivos podem ser usados para descrever habilidades e competências profissionais?


5. Atividade de conversação (5 minutos):

   a. Divida a turma em pares ou grupos.

   Leia o Texto abaixo:

Good morning, everyone.

Today, I'm here to present our latest cost control initiatives and how they have positively impacted our company's financial performance. Our goal has been to optimize expenses while maintaining the quality and efficiency of our operations.

Firstly, I would like to highlight the effective measures we have implemented to reduce costs across departments. By streamlining processes and eliminating unnecessary expenditures, we have achieved significant savings without compromising the overall productivity of our teams. These cost-cutting measures have proven to be highly successful in improving our bottom line.

Our approach to cost control has been professional and meticulous. We have closely analyzed each expense category and identified areas where we could make strategic adjustments. By negotiating with suppliers and implementing smart procurement strategies, we have been able to secure reliable partnerships while achieving cost reductions.

One of the key factors driving our cost control success has been our commitment to innovation. We have embraced innovative technologies and automation tools that have optimized our operations, reduced manual errors, and increased overall efficiency. These innovative solutions have not only resulted in cost savings but also positioned us as a forward-thinking company in the industry.

Furthermore, our cost control efforts have made us more competitive in the market. By maintaining competitive pricing while effectively managing costs, we have been able to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This has allowed us to strengthen our market position and expand our customer base.

I am pleased to share that our cost control initiatives have not only been successful but also highly profitable. By diligently monitoring expenses and implementing cost-saving strategies, we have achieved significant improvements in our financial performance. Our profitability has increased, providing us with a solid foundation for future growth and investment opportunities.

In conclusion, our focus on cost control has been instrumental in driving financial success for our company. Through effective, professional, and innovative strategies, we have achieved reliable cost reductions, maintained competitiveness, and realized substantial profitability. We remain committed to continuously improving our cost control measures to ensure the sustainable growth of our business.

Thank you for your attention.


Grife os adjetivos do texto acima.



1. Effective (efetivo)

2. Professional (profissional)

3. Meticulous (minucioso)

4. Strategic (estratégico)

5. Successful (bem-sucedido)

6. Reliable (confiável)

7. Innovative (inovador)

8. Competitive (competitivo)

9. Forward-thinking (voltado para o futuro)

10. Highly profitable (altamente lucrativo)

11. Solid (sólido)

12. Sustainable (sustentável)


   c. Peça aos alunos para criarem diálogos usando os adjetivos aprendidos, demonstrando como eles seriam aplicados nesse contexto.

   d. Encoraje os alunos a compartilharem suas conversas com a turma.


6. Conclusão (5 minutos):

   a. Faça  um resumo dos pontos-chave discutidos durante a aula.

   b. Enfatize a importância da prática contínua para aprimorar o uso dos adjetivos em situações de negócios.

   c. Encoraje os alunos a explorarem recursos adicionais, como livros, artigos ou vídeos relacionados ao Business English para expandir seu vocabulário e habilidades de comunicação em negócios.

7. Exercícios

Exercício 1:

Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives:


1. Our company has a ______________ reputation for delivering exceptional customer service.

2. The new marketing campaign was incredibly ______________, resulting in a significant increase in sales.

3. Our team is known for its ______________ approach to problem-solving, always finding innovative solutions.

4. The CEO made ______________ decisions that led to the company's rapid growth.

5. We need to stay ahead of our ______________ competitors by constantly improving our products and services.



1. reputable

2. effective

3. innovative

4. strategic

5. competitive


Exercício 2:

Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined words with the corresponding adjectives


1. Our product is of high quality. (quality)

2. She is skilled in managing projects. (skilled)

3. The company is known for its dependability. (dependability)

4. They offer a wide range of services. (wide)

5. The team implemented successful marketing strategies. (successful)



1. Our product is of excellent quality.

2. She is a proficient project manager.

3. The company is known for its reliability.

4. They offer an extensive range of services.

5. The team implemented effective marketing strategies.


Exercicio 3: Join the sentences:

1. Nossa equipe é altamente competente em lidar com clientes exigentes.(     )

2. A empresa está em busca de um profissional qualificado e experiente para o cargo de gerente de projetos. (     )

3. O produto é inovador e oferece soluções únicas para os desafios do mercado (     )

4. Nosso serviço de atendimento ao cliente é eficiente e preza pela satisfação dos clientes. (     )

5. A empresa busca parceiros confiáveis e de longo prazo para expandir sua rede de distribuição. (     )

6. O novo plano estratégico tem o objetivo de tornar a empresa mais competitiva no mercado global. (     )

7. Nossos produtos são reconhecidos pela sua alta qualidade e durabilidade. (     )

8. O profissional deve possuir habilidades analíticas e estratégicas para tomar decisões assertivas. (     )

9. A empresa investe constantemente em tecnologias avançadas para se manter à frente da concorrência.

10. A equipe de vendas se esforça para oferecer um atendimento personalizado e soluções sob medida para cada cliente.


Our team is highly competent in dealing with demanding clients.

The company is looking for a qualified and experienced professional for the position of project manager.

The product is innovative and offers unique solutions to market challenges.

Our customer service is efficient and prioritizes customer satisfaction.

The company is seeking reliable and long-term partners to expand its distribution network.

The new strategic plan aims to make the company more competitive in the global market.

Our products are recognized for their high quality and durability.

The professional should possess analytical and strategic skills to make informed decisions.

The company continuously invests in advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition.

The sales team strives to provide personalized service and tailor-made solutions for each client.


(a)    The company is seeking reliable and long-term partners to expand its distribution network.

(b)    The company is looking for a qualified and experienced professional for the position of project manager.

(c)     Our team is highly competent in dealing with demanding clients.

(d)    The product is innovative and offers unique solutions to market challenges.

(e)    The new strategic plan aims to make the company more competitive in the global market.

(f)      The professional should possess analytical and strategic skills to make informed decisions.

(g)    Our products are recognized for their high quality and durability.

(h)    The sales team strives to provide personalized service and tailor-made solutions for each client.

(i)      Our customer service is efficient and prioritizes customer satisfaction.

(j)      The company continuously invests in advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition.


1c; 2b; 3d; 4i; 5a; 6e; 7g; 8f; 9i; 10h



1.       Read this article, underline the adjetives and give the meaning of them

Good morning, everyone.

Today, I'm here to present our latest cost control initiatives and how they have positively impacted our company's financial performance. Our goal has been to optimize expenses while maintaining the quality and efficiency of our operations.

Firstly, I would like to highlight the effective measures we have implemented to reduce costs across departments. By streamlining processes and eliminating unnecessary expenditures, we have achieved significant savings without compromising the overall productivity of our teams. These cost-cutting measures have proven to be highly successful in improving our bottom line.

Our approach to cost control has been professional and meticulous. We have closely analyzed each expense category and identified areas where we could make strategic adjustments. By negotiating with suppliers and implementing smart procurement strategies, we have been able to secure reliable partnerships while achieving cost reductions.

One of the key factors driving our cost control success has been our commitment to innovation. We have embraced innovative technologies and automation tools that have optimized our operations, reduced manual errors, and increased overall efficiency. These innovative solutions have not only resulted in cost savings but also positioned us as a forward-thinking company in the industry.

Furthermore, our cost control efforts have made us more competitive in the market. By maintaining competitive pricing while effectively managing costs, we have been able to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This has allowed us to strengthen our market position and expand our customer base.

I am pleased to share that our cost control initiatives have not only been successful but also highly profitable. By diligently monitoring expenses and implementing cost-saving strategies, we have achieved significant improvements in our financial performance. Our profitability has increased, providing us with a solid foundation for future growth and investment opportunities.

In conclusion, our focus on cost control has been instrumental in driving financial success for our company. Through effective, professional, and innovative strategies, we have achieved reliable cost reductions, maintained competitiveness, and realized substantial profitability. We remain committed to continuously improving our cost control measures to ensure the sustainable growth of our business.

Thank you for your attention.


2.       Write sentences with these adjectives and practice these sentences in pairs

















Exercício 3: Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjectives:


1. Our company has a ______________ reputation for delivering exceptional customer service.

2. The new marketing campaign was incredibly ______________, resulting in a significant increase in sales.

3. Our team is known for its ______________ approach to problem-solving, always finding innovative solutions.

4. The CEO made ______________ decisions that led to the company's rapid growth.

5. We need to stay ahead of our ______________ competitors by constantly improving our products and services.


Exercício 4: Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined words with the corresponding adjectives:


1. Our product is of high quality. (quality)

2. She is skilled in managing projects. (skilled)

3. The company is known for its dependability. (dependability)

4. They offer a wide range of services. (wide)

5. The team implemented successful marketing strategies. (successful)









Exercicio 4: Join the sentences

1. Nossa equipe é altamente competente em lidar com clientes exigentes.(     )

2. A empresa está em busca de um profissional qualificado e experiente para o cargo de gerente de projetos. (     )

3. O produto é inovador e oferece soluções únicas para os desafios do mercado (     )

4. Nosso serviço de atendimento ao cliente é eficiente e preza pela satisfação dos clientes. (     )

5. A empresa busca parceiros confiáveis e de longo prazo para expandir sua rede de distribuição. (     )

6. O novo plano estratégico tem o objetivo de tornar a empresa mais competitiva no mercado global. (     )

7. Nossos produtos são reconhecidos pela sua alta qualidade e durabilidade. (     )

8. O profissional deve possuir habilidades analíticas e estratégicas para tomar decisões assertivas. (     )

9. A empresa investe constantemente em tecnologias avançadas para se manter à frente da concorrência.

10. A equipe de vendas se esforça para oferecer um atendimento personalizado e soluções sob medida para cada cliente.


a.       The company is seeking reliable and long-term partners to expand its distribution network.

b.       The company is looking for a qualified and experienced professional for the position of project manager.

c.       Our team is highly competent in dealing with demanding clients.

d.       The product is innovative and offers unique solutions to market challenges.

e.       The new strategic plan aims to make the company more competitive in the global market.

f.        The professional should possess analytical and strategic skills to make informed decisions.

g.       Our products are recognized for their high quality and durability.

h.       The sales team strives to provide personalized service and tailor-made solutions for each client.

i.         Our customer service is efficient and prioritizes customer satisfaction.

j.         The company continuously invests in advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition.


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