House on a Hill

Assista o vídeo uma vez.
Copie o exercício abaixo e cole numa página, Imprima e distribua as folhas com a música para que eles façam o exercício sem ouvir novamente

Exercicio: Complete the blanks:

It's quiet

In this __________  upon a hill

You won't mind it
Some __________ you can't know 'til you're still

In the __________
Where your spinning thoughts slow down
In the stillness
Things __________ a way of working out

Allow me to introduce myself again

I'm the one who held you before __________ began

I've been waiting for you to let me be your friend

Everything you ever need is __________ I am
I am, I am, I am

Take your __________

There's nothing here to lose

Ask your __________

I promise you the truth

As you __________

I want to heal your heart

Is it __________?

Old wounds have left a mark

Allow me to introduce __________ again

I was with you every place you've ever been
I'm the one who held you even when you couldn't __________
If you're wondering who can __________your brokenness

I can, I can, I can

I'll meet you
In the house upon a __________

How I want to

Show you __________real

Allow me to__________ myself again

I'm the love you used to think could not exist
I'm as sure as where you're standing and as free as the __________
You don't have to reach far __________ this is where I am

I am, I am, I am

I am

Passe o vídeo novamente ainda sem a letra e a tradução. Deixe eles completarem. Se necessário passe a terceira vez.

Agora para conferir, passe o vídeo abaixo, de modo que eles corrijam. Se necessário, passe mais uma vez.

Após tudo corrigido, passe o video com letra e tradução novamente, estimulando que eles cantem junto.
Passe quantas vezes achar necessário. É uma musica calma, fácil de acompanhar


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