
Mostrando postagens de novembro, 2016

Que palavras eu uso em inglês quando quero ter m tempo para pensar antes de responder?

Essas palavras são chamadas de conversation fillers São muito uteis e expressam participação na conversa Conversation fillers a serem usados quando você estiver ouvindo: Really? Right Sure How awful! Oh no! You're joking! What a pity! Auxiliary verbs to make short questions (as in " Have you? did you? Is it?... ") Non-words (as in " mmm, uh-huh... ") Conversation fillers a serem usados quando você estiver falando: Well Ok So Let me think... I mean I guess/think You know Like (as in " I'm... like... really sad that you lost your... ") What I want to say is… The point I want to make is.... Anyway,… Well, what I mean is that … Back to our topic … As I was saying … The basic idea is… kind of... (as in " he's kind of nice... ")

Causative Verbs In English: Let, Make, Have, Get, Help

Causative Verbs In English: Let, Make, Have, Get, Help The English verbs  let, make, have,   get,  and  help   are called  causative verbs  because they cause something else to happen. Here are some specific examples of how  causative verbs  work in English sentences. How To Use Causative Verbs In English LET = Permit Something To Happen Grammatical structure: LET + PERSON/THING + VERB (base form) Examples: I don’t  let  my kids  watch  violent movies. Mary’s father won’t  let  her  adopt  a puppy because he’s allergic to dogs. Our boss doesn’t  let  us  eat  lunch at our desks; we have to eat in the cafeteria. Oops! I wasn’t paying attention while cooking, and I  let  the food  burn. Don’t  let  the advertising expenses  surpass  $1000. Remember: The past tense of  let  is also  let;  there...

Como expressar "pêsames, condolências" em inglês

Como nos expressar em situações tristes, expressando condolências, ou pesames? essas expressões podem ser usadas em várias outras situações,não apenas em casos de morte Expressing condolence: I am deeply sorry to hear about the death of ... I am really sorry to hear about the death of ... I was heartbroken by the sad news. Words can't express the sadness I feel about... Words fall short of expressing my sadness. Let me express my sorrow for the loss of... Please accept our heartfelt condolences. We will never forget.... We will always remember... We will sadly miss... Sorry, I am at a loss for words to express my sadness.

Como escrever melhor em inglês


Phrasal verbs usados para falar the coisas que fazemos em casa


Maneiras de dizer que está cansado em Inglês


Expressões em Inglês a respeito de amizades e relacionamentos

birds of a feather flock together If two people are  birds of a feather,  they are very similar in many ways, so they naturally spend time together. No wonder they get on well.  They're birds of a feather! build bridges If a person  builds bridges  between opposing groups, they help them to cooperate and understand each other better. A mediator is trying to build bridges between the local community and the owners of the new plant. cut loose If someone  cuts loose  or  is cut loos e, they stop being influenced or controlled by another person or group. He's thirty years old and still hasn't cut loose from his family . see  eye to ey e with someone If you  see eye to eye  with somebody, you agree with them. I'm glad we see eye to eye on the choice of colour scheme. fair-weather friend Someone who acts as a friend when times are good, and is not there when you are in trouble, is called a  fair-weather friend. I thoug...