Quando você quiser falar sobre o comportamento habitual ou característica, você pode usar a vontade w ill . A baby bird will leave its nest when it is able to fly. A dog will wag its tail when it is happy. A car will not stop as well in the rain as it will on a sunny day. Ice will melt if the temperature rises. Quando você quiser falar sobre o comportamento habitual ou característica no passado, você pode usar would . Before the invention of television, people would listen to radio dramas for entertainment. My grandfather would always tell us stories of his life as a boy in Italy. No matter what the occasion, my grandmother would never drink alcohol. When ever I needed help with my math homework, my mother would help me. Quando você era criança, quem ajudava com o seu dever de casa? Deixe uma mensagem aqui e deixe-me saber.