
Mostrando postagens de março, 2014

Uso do "How" em perguntas

Aqui os alunos podem praticar o uso básico da palavra HOW em perguntas. Primeiro, eles devem criar suas próprias perguntas e mais tarde eles podem cobrir os quadros internos e dizer as frases corretas. Depois você pode praticar num dos jogos dos links abaixo:

Use WILL & WOULD para falar sobre comportamentos ou características

Quando você quiser falar sobre o comportamento habitual ou característica, você pode usar a vontade w ill . A baby bird will leave its nest when it is able to fly. A dog will wag its tail when it is happy. A car will not stop as well in the rain as it will on a sunny day. Ice will melt if the temperature rises. Quando você quiser falar sobre o comportamento habitual ou característica no passado, você pode usar  would . Before the invention of television, people would listen to radio dramas for entertainment. My grandfather would always tell us stories of his life as a boy in Italy. No matter what the occasion, my grandmother would never drink alcohol. When ever I needed help with my math homework, my mother would help me. Quando você era criança, quem ajudava com o seu dever de casa? Deixe uma mensagem aqui e deixe-me saber.

Inglês para engenheiros ou técnicos na área de informática - Palavras mais importantes

Do you ’speak’ C++ and Java? How about your English? IT professionals and software engineers all over the world need to have a good command of English to be able to collaborate with their colleagues and help their customers. In the following article, we are going to look at some of the most common words and expressions that are in use in Computer, Software and Information Technology jobs. We will also introduce some of the latest and most entertaining apps and websites that you can start using right now to improve your English. SPECIALIZATIONS -  Software Developers  develop applications that carry out specific tasks on computers and other devices. -  Computer Programmers  use the designs of Software Developers and write codes to make instructions that computers can follow. -  Computer and Information Research Scientists  design new technology to solve complex problems in different occupational fields, such as Medicine, Education or Business. -  Network and Computer Syste