Black Consciousness Day - Lesson Plan - Intermediate


Black Awareness Day Celebrations
The 20th of November is a symbol for all the black movement in Brazil. The date marks the death of Zumbi dos Palmares, who died in 1695, an icon of resistance to slavery and the main mark of freedom. The Day of Black Consciousness was established in the country to be celebrated on November 20 by Law No. 10639, January 2003. The same law made it compulsory to teach about history and Afro-Brazilian Culture.
Most Black Brazilians are descendants of African slaves brought to the country by Portuguese colonizers.
In the last national census of the country, which took place in 2000, only 6.2% of the Brazilian population declared themselves "Black" (a little more than 30% are said "parda", which is a derivative of the Portuguese word for "dirty"). To have an idea of the problem that we face, it's enough to recall that in Salvador, the capital of Bahia and considered the "blackest" city of the country, only 13.3% of the population declared themselves "Black", which demonstrates the enormous lack of "racial identity" in this country, an element that we consider extremely important, even so that we can organize the movement.

Discussion about racism. 
When was the Black Conscience Day in Brazil instituted?
What is the objective of the Black movement in Brazil?
- What is racism?
Is racist bullying a problem in schools?
-Have you ever had any kind of racism? 
Should racism bullying be treated differently from other types of bullying?

Write about bullying, its efects and what can be done about it. 


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